This information applies to all Madison College classes. Your instructors may have additional policies for their classes. These are usually shared in their syllabus or on Blackboard.

Capacity – The capacity for each class section is listed in class details. Madison College reserves the right to discontinue classes due to low enrollment.

Visitors – Visitors who are not officially enrolled in a class may attend a class only with the prior consent of the instructor. Consent will be granted for academic purposes only.

  • Attendance

    It is your responsibility to attend all scheduled class meetings and to inform your instructor as soon as possible if you will be absent.

    First Day

    If you do not attend class on the first day, the instructor has the right to assume you will not be a part of the class and may give your seat to a waitlisted student. Your instructor may also give you a grade of "WNA", which indicates you were enrolled but did not attend the class. This grade will appear on your transcript. Inform your instructor if you know in advance that you won't be there for the first day. If you don't know the teacher, contact your school office

    Attendance Policies

    Many teachers have attendance policies, which are usually outlined in the course syllabus or via Blackboard. It is your responsibility to know and follow them. You'll also be able to find guidelines for making up work, quizzes or exams due to class absences in your syllabus. Not attending classes does not entitle you to a refund.

  • Classroom Disruption

    If students are disruptive in class, they may be temporarily or permanently removed from class. Students removed from class have a right to due process procedures to ensure fair treatment. Nothing in these guidelines is intended to infringe upon the academic freedom of instructor or student.

    These two fundamental principles should be observed:

    1. Students have the right to express opinions germane to the subject matter of a course.
    2. Instructors have the right to guide classroom discussion and to set reasonable limits on the classroom time made available to students for the expression of their opinions.

    The responsibility for striking a balance between these principles rests with instructors.

    If issues arise, Conflict Management Services (CMS) staff may assist at any point in the process at either party’s request.

    Definition of Classroom Disruption

    Classroom disruption is behavior a reasonable person would view as substantially or repeatedly interfering with faculty’s ability to teach or student’s right to learn. Students are expected to behave in ways that do not interfere with the educational process and/or any college-sponsored activity. Class disruptions are considered an interference with the educational process.

    Common Disruptive Behavior

    Some examples of disruptive behavior are identified below. This is not a complete or exhaustive list and other behaviors may be included:

    • Persistent late arrival and/or early departure that disrupts the class
    • Repeated cell phone use in class
    • Talking out of place during class
    • Loud and/or frequent interruption of class flow with inappropriate questions or remarks
    • Persistent contact outside of class that hampers your ability to do normal work or assist other students
    • Belligerent behavior once confronted
    • Verbal and/or physical threats
    • Threatening emails, letters or voicemails
    • Inappropriate contact at an individual's home
    • Any behavior indicating a romantic or obsessive interest
    • Distressing or disturbing behaviors


    If you engage in disruptive behavior in a classroom, you can expect the following to occur:

    Step 1

    Your instructor will talk with you informally to state the problem and classroom expectations clearly. Under most circumstances, your instructor will address your behavioral disruption outside of class. In some instances it may be necessary to remove you from class immediately, for that class period only, and discuss the matter after class. Instructors are advised to address behavior as soon as they find it disruptive, and are advised to document all meetings and conversations about the situation.

    Important Note: The severity of a disruption may require that an instructor proceed immediately to Step 3 (below) to remove a student from class. This can happen at ANY time if the actions of the student are illegal and/or threatening. The instructor is advised to submit a BIT report and direct his/her school dean to initiate the Step 3 procedure. If at any time an instructor feels there is an immediate threat to anyone in the college, they will call 911 and/or Madison College Public Safety Services at 608.245.2222.

    Step 2

    If your disruptive behavior continues, you will be dismissed from the class until the issue can be resolved at a formal meeting. The purpose of a formal meeting is to solve the problem between you and your instructor, and get you back to class as quickly as possible. 

    A formal meeting will consist of yourself, your instructor, your school Dean or designee, and one (1) institutional student representative of your choice. The institutional student representative may be a counselor, another instructor, caseworker, etc., but may not be another student.

    It is the responsibility of the instructor to schedule this formal meeting within three (3) days of removing a student from class. During the formal meeting, participants will develop a written plan of action to resolve the problem. Both the student and the instructor sign the plan, and the student is readmitted to class.

    Step 3

    You will be removed from class and your instructor will submit a BIT report and direct his/her school dean to initiate the Step 3 procedure. If you are unwilling to sign a plan in Step 2 (above), or are unable to curtail your disruptive behavior you will be removed from class.

  • Recording Classes

    Individual instructors have the right to determine policy concerning recording of lectures and discussions in their classroom. However, students with certain types of disabilities may need to record classes as a reasonable accommodation. Students that require this particular accommodation work with Disability Resource Services to insure academic integrity, confidentiality and intellectual property rights. Students agree that if they are in a course where they are recording notes, in some cases, due to propriety or confidential information, they will be required to delete any recordings at the end of the semester and that deletion will be witnessed/verified by DRS. It's important to note for many classes, there are no issues and faculty allow such recording by any student.