For the learning experience to be successful at Madison College, faculty and students must trust that both parties will act with honesty and integrity. To foster this environment, you should know what academic misconduct is and what is expected of you.

  • Academic Integrity Misconduct Definitions

    Academic misconduct basically refers to cheating and plagiarism. These may take place in any of the following ways:

    1. You seek to claim credit for the work or efforts of another person or for a product generated by artificial intelligence without authorization, attribution or citation.
    2. You use distribute copyrighted material, including peer-to-peer file sharing, without permission (copyright infringement). This includes illegal downloads.
    3. You use unauthorized materials or technology (notes, calculators, generative AI, etc.) in any academic exercise.
    4. You forge or falsify academic documents or records.
    5. You provide examination questions or answers to another person, or accept examination questions or answers from another person.
    6. You copy the academic work of another student.
    7. You intentionally impede or damage the academic work of another.
    8. You engage in conduct that misrepresents your academic performance.
    9. You assist another student in any of the acts described in this section.
    10. Any member of the college community assists or collaborates with you in any of the acts described in this section.

    These definitions, which are not exhaustive of what may be considered academic misconduct, apply to all academic work, including, but not limited to, exams, essays, homework, performances, computer programs, projects, labs, tutoring and the like.

  • Academic Integrity Disciplinary Sanctions

    The following disciplinary sanctions may be imposed for academic misconduct:

    1. An oral reprimand
    2. A written reprimand presented only to you
    3. An assignment to repeat the work to be graded on its merits
    4. A lower grade on the particular assignment or test
    5. A failing grade on the particular assignment or test
    6. A letter of reprimand sent to the Academic Integrity Officer and to the Dean of Students Office for inclusion in the student's Madison College file
    7. A lower grade in the course
    8. A failing grade in the course
    9. Your removal from the course in progress
    10. Your removal from student help, lab, tutoring position, athletic team or other student-related activities
    11. Recommendation to the Academic Appeals Board for the suspension of the student from the institution

    One or more of the disciplinary sanctions listed in (1) through (10) above may be imposed for an incident of academic misconduct.

    Copyright infringement may carry additional Federal, civil and criminal penalties, such as payment of damages, attorney fees, and court costs, injunctions to stop the infringing acts, fines of up to $250,000 and up to five years in prison.

  • Academic Integrity Misconduct Procedure

    1. When an instructor suspects you have engaged in academic misconduct, they will, in a timely manner, communicate the basis of his or her suspicion to you. You will be afforded the opportunity to respond.
    2. If, as a result of this investigation, the instructor determines that no misconduct occurred, the matter will be considered concluded.
    3. If, as a result of investigation, the instructor determines that academic misconduct occurred, sanctions (1) through (5) (alone or in combination) may be imposed at their discretion. This will be communicated orally in the case of sanction (1) or by letter or email in the case of sanctions (2) through (5).
    4. If the instructor determines that sanctions (1) through (5) alone are inadequate or inappropriate to address the misconduct, the instructor may impose sanctions under (6) through (9). The instructor may also recommend suspension under sanction (11).
    5. If the instructor imposes one or more of the sanctions listed at (6) through (9), they must prepare a written report so informing you. The report will contain the following:
      • Description of the misconduct and the basis for the determination
      • Identification of the sanction(s) recommended
      • A notice of your right to appeal the sanctions
      • A copy of the "Procedures to Appeal Determination and/or Disciplinary Sanctions Due to Academic Misconduct"
    6. The instructor will mail the report to you in a timely manner using the college email system. The instructor will forward a copy of this report to the Academic Integrity Officer and to the Dean of Students Office for inclusion in the student disciplinary file.
    7. You have the right to appeal the determination of academic misconduct and/or sanctions imposed.
  • Academic Integrity Appeal Procedure

    You have the right to appeal the determination of academic misconduct and/or disciplinary sanctions imposed.


    1. Contact your program dean in writing within 14 business days of the date the instructor imposed sanctions.
    2. Provide the history of the situation as well as whether you are appealing the determination that misconduct occurred, the level of sanctions recommended or both.  
    3. You may be asked to meet with the dean and the instructor to resolve the dispute. You are allowed one support person in such meetings, but they are not allowed to speak, mediate or advocate for you. 
    4. The dean will complete the review within 10 business days of receiving the appeal. 
    5. You will be notified of the dean's decision within five business days of the review. 

    If you disagree with the program dean’s decision, you may contact the Provost’s office to request a hearing of the Academic Appeals Board. The instructor has this same right.  


    1. Provide in writing (letter or email):
      • The reason for the appeal. Reasons for appeal may include but are not limited to the following: new information; procedural error or irregularity; or the sanction imposed is not commensurate with the findings.
      • Dated documentation that the program dean has already reviewed the situation.
    2. You are encouraged to seek support from the college’s Conflict Management Services.
    3. The Provost’s office will schedule a hearing within 10 days of receiving your request. During the hearing, you are allowed to have one support person with you, but they are not allowed to speak, mediate or advocate for you.
    4. The Academic Appeals Board will inform all parties of their decision within five business days of the hearing. The decisions of the Academic Appeals Board are final.

As a Madison College student, it is important that you:

  • Become familiar with the rules and consequences of academic misconduct.
  • Approach your instructor if you are not sure what behaviors constitute academic misconduct (citing information from the web, for example).
  • Inform your instructor if you believe you have witnessed an incident of academic misconduct. You may report your observations without fear of retaliation.
  • Know that helping someone else cheat is a violation of the rules and may result in misconduct charges.

If you have questions, please contact the Madison College Academic Integrity Officer Sarah Z. Johnson at or 608.246.6595.