Madison College Truax campus exterior

This past October, Madison College President Jack E. Daniels III, Ph.D., announced his retirement to the District Board of Trustees and employee community. Shortly after, the Board of Trustees began the work of a national search for the college’s ninth president. At the board’s request, Daniels’ initial retirement date of June 30, 2024 was extended to December 31. This decision underscored the board’s commitment to conducting a thorough and robust search and its desire to ensure continuity and steadiness until the next president is selected.

Established in 1912, Madison College is a publicly supported technical and comprehensive community college dedicated to providing accessible, high-quality education, and hands-on technical and career training. Madison College offers an extensive array of affordable and high-impact learning opportunities, including two-year associate degrees, liberal arts transfer, two-year technical diplomas, one-year technical diplomas, certificates, early college programs, developmental education, continuing and professional education, customized training, and more in fields aligned with the current and emerging needs of the diverse communities we serve and the workforce needs of our region.

Engagement and Input

To ensure comprehensive input from internal and external stakeholders throughout the college’s 12-county district, the college’s hired search firm Gold Hill Associates hosted ten listening sessions, with nine of these including a virtual option. Additionally, members of the community could submit feedback using an online survey form. These sessions invited and included employees, students, workforce and industry partners, community leaders and organizations, and the community at large.

Information collected from the listening sessions was compiled and synthesized by Gold Hill Associates. Everything from qualifications to personal characteristics to education and experience was used to shape the presidential leadership profile. It was then reviewed and discussed by the presidential search advisory committee, and final recommendations were made and brought forward for the final profile, which was approved by the district board.

Search Process and Timeline

April and May – Develop the presidential profile; solicit feedback from employees, students, and the community; search advisory committee meetings.

June and July – Seeking candidates and advertising position; search firm conducts outreach and solicits nominations.

August and September – Review of applicants; presidential search advisory committee reviews applications and recommends applicants for semi-finalist interviews; semi-finalist interviews are conducted.

October into November – Final candidates are selected and visit Madison College for interviews; Board of Trustees solicits input from employees and community on candidates.

November into December – Board of Trustees conducts due diligence and speaks with references; board discusses, votes, and appoints Madison College’s next president; process begins to communicate decision to employees, students, and community.

Presidential Search Advisory Committee

While selecting Madison College’s next president is a board-driven process and will be managed by the college’s search firm Gold Hill Associates, the board recognizes the value and importance of participation from the college employees, students, and the community.

Donald D. Dantzler Jr., Chair of the Madison College Board of Trustees, and Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, Vice Chair, are leading the presidential search effort. Additionally, the board selected representatives from several key stakeholder groups. The committee is comprised of 16 individuals representing students, faculty, staff, and community partners.

The committee’s purpose is to review, discuss, and finalize the presidential profile; review and recommend an initial list of semi-finalist applicants to the board; participate in semi-finalist interviews; recommend candidates for the board to move forward as finalists who will visit Madison College.

Ultimately, based on final interviews, forums, and input from stakeholders, and in adherence with its bylaws, the college’s district board has the important responsibility of making the final selection for the next president.

Search Firm

The board announced the hiring of Mississippi-based college executive search firm Gold Hill Associates at its April 3 meeting. The firm will serve as a resource to the board and search committee throughout the process, and its expertise will expand the national scope of the search, ensuring a robust pool of qualified candidates.

About Gold Hill Associates

Gold Hill Associates is dedicated solely to community college executive searches. Operating since 1990, Gold Hill Associates has assisted over 100 community colleges in searches for new presidents and executives. It works in colleges throughout the country, from small rural institutions to sizeable urban multi-college districts.


General questions related to Madison College’s presidential search can be directed to

To contact our District Board of Trustees for comment, please contact Mel Charbonneau, Madison College Director of Strategic Communications, at