Committed to a safe learning environment
At Madison College we believe that the best learning settings are both safe and welcoming.
That’s why we offer an array of services designed to promote safe environments and safe behaviors on campus and off.

Public Safety
Madison College Public Safety Services operates 24-7 and our campus safety officers work closely with the City of Madison Police and Wisconsin State Capitol Police as well as law enforcement in other jurisdictions as appropriate.
Officers are available by calling 608.245.2222
Some of the duties of our public safety officers include:
- Responding to incidents on campus
- WolfPack Alert Emergency Notifications
- Personal Escorts
- Upon request, a uniformed patrol officer will escort you to your car or classroom on campus.
- Medical assistance to sick or injured students, staff or visitors
- Vehicle unlocks and jumpstarts
- Routine patrols of all campus owned and leased facilities
- Maintaining a lost and found repository
Being prepared for an emergency is as important as knowing how to respond during an emergency. We have the information and resources you need to keep yourself and others safe.
Be Prepared
Whether an emergency is inconvenient or catastrophic, your actions and personal plans are the most dependable tools to keep you safe when you are visiting our campuses.
- Know your location and evacuation routes.
- Know where fire extinguishers, emergency exits and pull alarms are.
- Add our Campus Emergencies number to your phone contacts; 608.245.2222.
How to Respond
Faculty and staff will often guide those in classes and other activities during emergencies. Students can also download our WolfPack Alert app to receive notifications.
- Fire: Evacuate calmly to the nearest exit. Avoid elevators.
- Active Threat: Run if you can, hide if you can't, fight if you must.
- Severe Weather Alerts: Shelter in designated locations or interior hallways.
See our Emergency Preparedness Guide for more ways to ensure you are ready for an emergency.
Personal Safety and Wellness
Promoting healthy behaviors and well-being are critical parts of personal safety that we take very seriously at Madison Colleges. We offer a wealth of services, programs and facilities designed to keep you well while you are with us.
They include:
- A student health clinic operated by Group Health Cooperative available to all students enrolled in a college-level degree credit class.
- Dental and optometric services are also available to students on campus.
- Counseling Services are available to help support students’ mental health and well-being.
- Students needing assistance in working through alcohol or drug dependencies can access an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Program. All assistance through this program can be done anonymously and are kept confidential within legal guidelines.