Madison College functions within the Wisconsin Technical College System and operates under the direction of the college's District Board of Trustees and interim president, Dr. Tim Casper. The nine-member board represents the entire district and is the official link between the college and the community.

We pride ourselves on our philosophy of leadership, where the system of shared governance and IBPS (Interest-Based Problem Solving) helps us make the best collective decisions while also emphasizing shared responsibility for college-wide policies, strategies and priorities.

  • Shared Governance

    Madison College follows a practice of Shared Governance that promotes participation, partnership, and a renewed commitment to excellence among employees at every level. Shared governance is founded on the cornerstone principles of cooperation, fairness, responsibility and ownership. It demonstrates a shift from “directive” to “facilitative” – respecting and allowing for the merits of different viewpoints and new ways of thinking. Together, these principles form a culturally sensitive and empowering framework that leads to workable and accountability-based decisions that contribute to the college’s success.

    It is in the spirit of “We are all in this together” that every member of the Madison College community works toward a common goal: student success. It is also the goal of shared governance to consider different perspectives and new ways of thinking. At Madison College, we use interest-based problem solving (IBPS) to support responsible decisions that benefit our entire college.

    Our Shared Governance model draws upon the expertise and experience of every part of our college community. Using IBPS, we strive to make our best collective decisions. We also promote shared responsibility for college-wide policies, strategies, and priorities.

    Shared Governance Bodies

    The College Assembly is charged with overseeing the entire Shared Governance system. It makes recommendations on select policy matters to the President. It is also the main body to work on strategic planning and resource sharing.

    The eight councils make recommendations on specific issues to the College Assembly.

    • Academic Council
    • Diversity & Community Relations Council
    • Professional Development Council
    • Facilities Planning and Investment Council
    • Finance Council
    • Information Technology Council
    • Institutional Effectiveness Council
    • Student Affairs Council

    Task forces or workgroups may also be used to analyze and make recommendations on issues to a specific council or the Assembly.


    Open communication is the key to authentic shared governance. It’s important to be heard, but also to listen with respect to all points of view. Making sure every member of our community is well informed about decisions and developments helps us all prosper.

    The goal is to provide every member of our college community a voice and to work together to achieve student success.

    Let your voice be heard. Send Issues, interests, and options via email

  • IBPS - Interest Based Problem Solving

    Interest-Based Problem Solving (IBPS) is a tool that emphasizes respect and innovation in finding solutions to workplace challenges. The process creates positive options for students, faculty, and staff and can be used at all levels of Madison College.

    Here are ways in which Madison College actively uses IBPS practices:

    • Shared governance in policy decision-making
    • Timely and effective conflict resolution
    • Consistent resolution of department issues
    • Coaching of managers and supervisors

    Madison College's IBPS practices allow the entire college community to be part of progressive solutions to myriad issues, helping distinguish the college as a leader in this area.

    Principles of IBPS

    • Separate the people from the problem
    • Focus on interests, not positions
    • Generate multiple options
    • Evaluate solutions based on objective criteria and interests

    Questions Asked in an IBPS Session

    • What is the issue?
    • How did this problem arise?
    • What are our interests, hopes, and concerns?
    • What are potential options and solutions?
    • What are the best options?
    • How will outcomes be affected by our decision?
    • How and when will we follow up on the solution?

    Learn More

    For more information on IBPS or Facilitation Skills training and how it can be used in your department, contact Employee Learning and Organizational Development at or 608.249.6900.

    Read Getting to Yes offers a straightforward, universally applicable method for negotiating personal and professional disputes without getting angry.

    This worldwide bestseller by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton provides a concise, step-by-step and proven strategy for coming to mutually acceptable agreements in every sort of conflict. The negotiation tips and techniques can be applied to family situations, business disputes and even international conflicts. The theories and tactics presented in Getting to Yes are based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation Project, an organization that deals with all levels of negotiation, mediation and conflict resolution.

Madison College Leadership Stories

Photos of Madison College presidential finalists
Madison College names presidential finalists
The Madison College District Board of Trustees has selected four finalists for consideration to succeed long-standing President Jack E. Daniels III, who retired in January.
Exterior image of Madison College Truax campus.
Madison College president to be named mid-April
Madison College is on track to name its president this spring. Finalists will participate in candidate forums, including community events and visits to Madison College campuses in late March.
Dr. Tim Casper
Dr. Tim Casper steps into interim president role
The Madison College Board of Trustees has named Dr. Tim Casper interim president to succeed retiring President Jack E. Daniels III.