Work. Earn. Learn.
Interested in getting some work experience that aligns with your career goals or maybe a job that helps support the campus or community?

These are the types of part-time jobs that the Federal Work Study Program prioritizes.
The program provides funding for part-time jobs for eligible students to help pay for college and many Madison College students benefit from the program each year.
To be eligible you must:
- Demonstrate financial need by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Be enrolled in 6 eligible credits.
Work Study students receive a paycheck every two weeks based on the number of hours worked. But you should know that the Work Study wages are capped at whatever the Federal Work Study Program offers you based on financial need and program funds availability.
Want to know more about how to “earn as you learn”?
Three Step-Process
Step 1
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA)
- Select “YES” to the question that asks if you are interested in being considered for Work Study.
- Know that checking this box does not guarantee you will be offered Work Study.
Step 2
Accept the Work Study Offer
- Your Federal Student Aid letter will indicate how much Work Study you are eligible for.
- However, being offered Work Study does not mean you have a job. It is up to you to find and apply for jobs.
Step 3
Find and apply for job
Enrolled students with an email address will have access to our job posting platform.
Learn more about financial aid
Work Study is just one form of financial aid available. Learn more about the full range of financial aid offerings.