Meeting Schedule

The Madison College District Board conducts its business meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm.

The Board is currently meeting in a hybrid format. To attend in person, please join us at our Truax Campus. 

1701 Wright St. Room D1630B/C
Madison, WI 

Contact Kristin Rolling at or 608.246.6677 if you need additional information.

Learn more about the Madison College District Board

District Board Meetings

District Board Members

Madison College Policy Library


In May 1996, the Madison College District Board developed board policies that reflect the Policy Governance model for leading the college. These policies are reviewed and updated periodically as needed.

In September 2013, the District Board engaged in a process to review the Policy Governance model with the assistance of consultant Miriam Carver. During this process, the board conducted a thorough review of its policies and updated them to correspond with current Policy Governance practices.


The 12-county region benefits from affordable and high-quality higher education that allows its residents to gain knowledge and skills that lead to family-supporting careers.

  1. Students are provided access to programs and services that advance successful completion of their courses and programs toward their education and career goals.
  2. Students demonstrate achievement of their educational goals through successful completion of technical and/or transfer programs that allow them to obtain and advance in family-sustaining careers.
  3. Employees are supported through professional development that leads to a more refined and retained workforce.
  4. Programs and Services are current and relevant based on career indicators provided by industries, education institutions, and workforce data.
  5. Businesses benefit from a well-trained workforce and have access to workplace solutions to meet their specific business needs.
  6. Madison College communities are strengthened by their investment in Madison College as evidenced through Madison College’s impact on the local tax base, overall economic development, and the contributions of graduates in the Madison College service area.

Outcomes will be reviewed annually. Adopted 11-1-17

District Plan of Representation

Madison Area Technical College seeks to serve the communities of our district as defined by Chapter 38, Wisconsin Statutes. The purpose of our District Plan of Representation as defined by this statute, outlines how the District Board members shall be appointed. It states that the appointment committee responsible for selecting District Board members shall give equal consideration to the general population distribution within the district and the distribution of women and minorities within the district.

Madison Area Technical College shares the District Plan of Representation with anyone in the college district who may be interested in the data. This report summarizes district population and labor force information, disaggregated by demographics. Data is generated in accordance with State regulations governing the Wisconsin Technical College System.

Annually, Madison Area Technical College updates the District Plan of Representation estimates to include the most recent census information and projections. County information is pro-rated to include only those portions of counties within Madison Area Technical College district boundaries.

Madison Area Technical College functions within the Wisconsin Technical College System.

The Madison College District includes most of Columbia County, Dane County, Jefferson County, Marquette County, Sauk County, and specific school districts in Adams County, Dodge County, Green County, Iowa County, Juneau County, Richland County and Rock County.