Aim high and start building with associate and four-year transfer programs. Then come back for a post baccalaureate certificate.

Madison College pre-engineering student

Architecture and Engineering Careers

Many school and career options await when you start at Madison College. Our architecture and engineering related programs offer you a way to get a great job … or earn your bachelor’s degree from a renowned engineering school.

Gain the skills you need to get a job while you explore unique internship opportunities. Discover career opportunities and specific architecture and engineering programs below.

  • Architectural Technologist

    Architectural technologists assist architects and engineers in developing building plans and managing client relations. Take advantage of our transfer partnership with UW-Milwaukee School of Architecture.

    Average wage reported by graduates within six months: 18/hr.

    Employers include:
    Affiliated Engineers, Inc., Flad Architects, JH Findorff & Son, Assemblage Architects, Dorschner Associates

    Program Information

  • Civil Engineering Technician

    Civil engineer technicians work with engineers and land surveyors in the planning, designing and surveying of construction and engineering projects.

    Average wage reported by graduates within six months: $19.91/hr.

    Employers include:
    Excel Engineering, Mi-Tech, Combs & Associates

    Program Information

  • Electrical Engineering Technician

    Electrical engineering techs assist electrical engineers in assembling and maintaining electrical systems.

    Many students choose to transfer from our program into four-year engineering programs including Milwaukee School of Engineering and UW-Platteville.

    Average wage reported by graduates within six months: $19.18/hr.

    Employers include:
    Apex Connectivity Systems, Bell Laboratories, Extreme Engineering Solutions

    Program Information

  • Electronic Technician

    Electronics technicians can work in any setting that employs electronic gadgets and equipment. They repair and program devices of all sizes, from cell phones to industrial computers.

    Average wage reported by graduates within six months: $16.48/hr.

    Employers include:
    Convenient Electronics, Faith Technologies, Phoenix, LLC

    Program Information

  • University Transfer - Engineering

    Start your bachelor’s degree with us. Our engineering-focused general electives are transferable to many four-year colleges and universities.

    Save thousands on your bachelor’s degree. Graduate with less debt!

    Program Information

  • Mechanical Design Technician

    Mechanical Design Technicians are involved in the design process for manufactured products.

    Madison College has transfer partnerships for this program with several schools in Wisconsin and beyond.

    Starting salaries for graduates of this program range from $39,500 to $54,000.

    Program Information

“By coming to Madison College, it has opened a lot of doors for me. I like that it’s hands-on. I like the interaction I have with my teachers.”
Electrical engineering technology student
More than 300 job openings
per year in the Madison College district

Exciting opportunities in architecture and engineering are waiting for you at Madison College.

Watch the video to learn more.

Madison College Areas of Study: Architecture and Engineering
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All Architecture and Engineering Academic Programs

Degree: Associate Degree
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Associate Degree
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Associate Degree
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Technical Diploma
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Associate Degree
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Technical Diploma
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Certificate
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Certificate
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Certificate
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Certificate
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Associate Degree
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Certificate
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering
Degree: Associate Degree
Area of Study: Architecture and Engineering

“The instructors are fun and take the stress of learning away.”
Civil engineering technology student
Graduate average hourly wages
(graduate report)


Guaranteed transfer agreements
with several 4-year colleges across Wisconsin