The Engineering pre-major allows students to begin their bachelor's degree at Madison College before transferring to various four-year colleges and universities that offer engineering degrees.

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If you’d like to learn more about the University Transfer - Engineering program, we’d love to talk with you.

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University Transfer - Engineering
Program Number: 208002
Your Degree:
Associate Degree
Area of Study:
Architecture and Engineering
Delivery Method:
100% In Person
Some Online/Some In Person
Estimated Time to Complete:
60 Credits | Finish degree in 2 years
financial aid icon Financial Aid Available
transfer icon Program Transfers
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What You'll Pay
Use our Net Price Calculator to estimate your tuition costs.
Estimated Program Cost
Financial Aid
Applying for financial aid and scholarships help you pay for your education.
Ready to get started?
Your first step is to apply to Madison College. It's easy and free to apply, so get started today!
School of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Madison Truax Campus
Main Building, C2433

1701 Wright Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53704


  • Monday – Thursday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
  • Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm (Phone and email only.)