Youth Tractor Safety Certification Classes a Success at Watertown

Madison College Watertown Campus unveiled a comprehensive tractor safety course this spring specifically tailored for youth aged 12-15 years old.
The course was so popular that it sold out in a couple of days, and the college is looking for sponsors for a summer course to keep costs affordable to youth interested in agriculture.
“Addressing a significant community demand, this program stands out as one of the few offerings in the eastern part of the state,“ says Chelsey Bauer, Watertown campus operation manager. “Our goal is to offer more classes to help young people be safe in this important Wisconsin industry."
The six-class series taught important fundamental of safe tractor and machinery operation, covering topics of general farm hazards, personal protective equipment, basic first aid and first-response procedures. Participants seeking certification must successfully complete a written exam, demonstrate a pre-operational safety inspection of a tractor, and skillfully operate a tractor and two-wheel trailer through an obstacle course. The series aligns with federal requirements, delivering 24 hours of instruction.
Madison College Watertown has a waitlist for future sessions, and it is looking for business sponsors to keep costs free or reduced for youth participants. Those interested in sponsoring the June class or being added to the waitlist can call the Watertown campus at 920.206.8000.
The March class initiative was made possible through the generous support of our donors, with special thanks to Farmers and Merchants Bank of Lake Mills and Mid-State Farm Equipment of Watertown.
Find more information on the Watertown campus webpage.