Career Pathways connect and align the steps in your pathway from education to work. Career Pathways include short-term, stackable credentials that lead to a degree and jobs in high-demand industries.
More options give you greater flexibility as you build your education and career. No matter where you are in your career pathway, find your next steps at Madison College.
The Need for Career Pathways
- The U.S. labor force will need five million more individuals with postsecondary credentials than are projected to exist by 2020.
- Projections indicate that 65 percent of all jobs will require education and training beyond high school.
- 18 percent of all jobs will require college-level education and skills training of less than an associate degree.
- Career Pathways expand options and access for all types of students. These opportunities for success in college serve to develop a skilled workforce.
Build Momentum, Confidence and Success
Madison College Career Pathways are for all students.
- High school students who want to get a jumpstart on their post-secondary education while still in high school.
- Current degree holders who would like to learn new skills to transition into a different career.
- Unemployed workers who need new skills and a credential to transition into a new career field.
- Low-wage or underemployed workers who need new skills or a degree to advance into higher-level positions.
- Young career starters 18 or older with a high school degree or GED who are stuck in part-time or dead-end jobs and want to begin studying to launch their careers.