Earn dual credit, explore new subjects, and work toward a college credential—all while in high school. 

There are college credit opportunities for high school students of every age!

Five Reasons to Take College Courses in High School

  1. Earn high school and college credit at the same time.
  2. Take courses that are not available at your high school.
  3. Explore new and exciting subjects for fun or to discover your career interests.
  4. Work toward earning a college credential before graduating from high school.

Choose Your Classes

The first step in choosing your classes is to speak with your high school counselor. If you don't have a counselor, reach out to earlycollege@madisoncollege.edu. Early College works with high schools and students to find a great option for you. 

Need inspiration on what to take? Check out Dual Credit classes and Early College Academies for ideas.

High school juniors and seniors - Consider applying for Start College Now. This allows all public high school juniors and seniors who meet certain requirements to take postsecondary courses at Wisconsin Technical Colleges. Your high school will let you know what courses you are approved for and will submit your application to Madison College. An Early College Advisor will contact you on next steps. 

Juniors and Seniors, Get Started!

Submit your application to your high school counselor by the deadline. 


Fall start: March 1
Spring start: October 1