The following are Madison College's Surgical Technology program policies.

Progression Policy

All surgical technology students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses. A course grade of C or 76% is needed for progression from fall to spring semester courses. Students will be required to repeat each course in which the final grade received was below "C" before proceeding to subsequent courses within the program. Program officials cannot guarantee a space. A student who fails to obtain a satisfactory grade in a program course after one additional attempt or who fails more than two program courses will be dropped from the program.

State of Responsibility

Student responsibility occurs when students take an active role in their learning by recognizing they are accountable for their academic success. Student responsibility is demonstrated when students make choices and take actions that lead them toward their educational goals. Madison College students are expected to be responsible for their actions as they relate to in-class and out-of-class activities.

Computer Skills

Students must have basic computer skills knowledge. All assignments submitted through Blackboard should be in a format that can be read by MS Word or a PDF reader.

The surgical technology program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in cooperation with the Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) on Education in Surgical Technology. ARC is sponsored by the Association of Surgical Technologists, the American College of Surgeons and the American Hospital Association.