Person pushing stroller in front of Madison College building

Madison College understands the unique challenges that pregnant and parenting students face when pursuing their academic goals. By providing resources specific to you as student parents, we invest not just in your education, but also in your family and your community. 

We know you prioritize your kids’ wellbeing over everything else, so we have resources to assist you when earning a degree, while also ensuring a brighter future for your loved ones.


Our Early Learning Campus offers nationally accredited, high-quality childcare for children aged 6 weeks to 6 years. We use a sliding fee scale and external funding to minimize costs. Student parents may also qualify for childcare scholarships. View rates and enroll.

Lactation Rooms

College-designated lactation rooms allow people to express milk in privacy and comfort. Contact Madison College Public Safety at 608.246.6932 to request access to these private areas.

Family-Friendly Study Spaces

Find family-friendly study spaces at our Truax and Watertown campuses. These quiet areas feature adult-sized desks and chairs, along with child-friendly amenities and toys.

Pregnancy Accommodations

Students with pregnancy-related conditions can request accommodations from Disability Resource Services.

Title IX ensures that students can take time off school for pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and recovery as long as their doctor deems it medically necessary.

Affordability and Flexibility

Explore additional resources that can assist you in achieving your goals.

Get Help Paying For College

Learn how financial aid, scholarships and grants can help you pay for college.

Flexible Learning Options

Choose from in-person, online and hybrid class options to fit into your busy schedule. Delivery methods for academic programs are listed on each program web page. Learn more about flexible learning options.

Campuses Close to Home

With multiple campus locations, the support you need is nearby. Check out the campus nearest you.

FamilyU Seal Awarded

FamilyU Seal

Madison College is one of thirteen higher education institutions nationwide to be awarded the FamilyU Seal.

Given by Generation Hope, this certification celebrates our active investment in serving parenting students and achieving positive outcomes for our student parents.

Learn more about Generation Hope's efforts to help student parents succeed.

Parenting Student Stories and News

The FamilyU team at Madison College
Madison College honored with Strategic Data Project Data Excellence Award from the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University
Madison College will receive the 2024 Strategic Data Excellence Award from Harvard’s Strategic Data Project for its work on identifying and addressing barriers student-parents face.
students outside Goodman South Campus
The Good in Goodman South Campus
In just three years since opening, the $25 million Goodman South campus built largely by donors, has exceeded expectations with the work of innovative faculty and staff and the presence of an extraordinarily diverse student community.
Madison College student Scarlett Wylde-Nunez reads her Dean's List letter as her daughter looks on.
Madison College Student Parent Fits Paralegal Studies Into Her Busy Life
Madison College student Scarlett Wylde-Nunez enrolled in the Paralegal program last summer to pursue her dream. As a busy mother she plans for success in her education, and recently was honored with a 4.0 GPA.

Explore Your Options

Take the first step toward your goals and learn how you can get started at Madison College.