In college, tests are a way of life. You need them to get in, you’ll need even more to get out. Don’t panic! Turns out this is a case where practice makes … okay, maybe not perfect. But a little bit more comfortable at least.

Course Placement
An untimed, computerized test of reading, math and writing skills. Offered in-person year round. Next online window: November 11 - December 20 (noon), 2024.
Things to know:
- ACT, ACCUPLACER, and high school GPA scores are accepted (within 2 years) for course placement. Contact us to see if older scores may be accepted.
- There is a fee for each test component (reading, math, writing).
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The CLEP allows you to demonstrate knowledge for possible college credit.
Things to know:
- We can proctor any of the CLEP tests you register for.
- You must be admitted to a Madison College program to receive CLEP credit.
We offer in-person ACCUPLACER testing for apprenticeship students.
Things to know:
- The test may include any or all: reading, writing, math.
- There is a fee for each test component.
World Languages Course Placement
Madison College uses WebCAPE – an interactive online test. It determines your competency level in just 20 minutes!
Things to know:
- We may award tuition-free credit for previous foreign language study.
- You may earn a maximum of 16 credits if you are enrolled in a second, third or fourth level language course, earned a grade of B or better and are not a native speaker of the language.