Traffic Safety-Point Reduction is a program to reduce points on your driving record and is available to everyone. This is not for initial licensure or on-the-road training. It cannot be used to satisfy OWI education requirements.
The Group Dynamics program is for your first OWI offense and requires an assessment (MV3633) and a Driver Safety Plan (MV3634).
The Multiple Offender program is taken when you have two or more OWI charges and requires an assessment (MV3633) and a Driver Safety Plan (MV3634).
For information on the Madison location registration process for Group Dynamic or Multiple Offender classes, contact Maria at:
Our Traffic Safety Education courses are 100% in-person and on-campus. We do not offer any online options. Students coming to campus must follow campus safety protocol.
Registration Locations
Madison, | 608.258.2450
Portage, 330 Collins St. | 608.745.3100
Reedsburg, 300 Alexander Ave. | 608.524.7800
Fort Atkinson, 827 Banker Rd. | 920.568.7200
Watertown, 1300 W. Main St. | 920.206.8000