Look around, and you’ll find out fast how competitive our tuition is.

When you consider what you get in return—a great education and better job prospects—it’s beyond worth it.

Enter your information in the Net Price Calculator to get a personalized estimate of your costs to attend Madison College.

Tuition, Fees and Cost of Attendance

Tuition is calculated per semester credit and varies depending on the program.

Fees are additional charges to cover the costs of certain services, such as equipment required for classes, lab fees, etc.

Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate of expenses you may have as a student. This is based on typical expenses of individuals living in our district. By default, we calculate your COA based on living away from home. We can adjust that as needed. 

  • Tuition (2024-2025)

    Your total cost depends on number of credits, type of classes and your residency status.

    Per Credit Tuition for Career-Focused Programs

    (technical diplomas, associate degrees, certificates and vocational courses)

    • In-state: $149.50
    • Out-of-state: $224.25

    Per Credit Tuition for University Transfer Courses

    (classes you plan to put toward a bachelor’s degree)

    • In-state: $188.90
    • Out-of-state: $283.35
  • Tuition (2023-2024)

    Your total cost depends on number of credits, type of classes and your residency status.

    Per Credit Tuition for Career-Focused Programs

    (technical diplomas, associate degrees, certificates and vocational courses)

    • In-state: $146.20
    • Out-of-state: $219.30

    Per Credit Tuition for University Transfer Courses

    (classes you plan to put toward a bachelor’s degree)

    • In-state: $188.90
    • Out-of-state: $283.35
  • Fees

    These per-credit fees cover everything from activities to book rental to parking:

    • $15.24: supplemental fee, Madison or online classes
    • $3.25: regional campus classes, fall and spring terms only
    • $7: textbook rental fee
    • $1.50: academic achievement fee, per credit career-focused classes
    • $1.89: academic achievement fee, liberal arts transfer
    • $35: commuter services fee, fall and spring; $17.50 for summer

    Tuition and Fees Are Determined by WTCS

    Minnesota students pay in-state tuition, thanks to a state reciprocity agreement.

    Instruction Mode

    • Online and Online-Live classes are not charged out-of-state tuition rates.
    • Classroom-Live and Hybrid classes less than 50% online may be charged out-of-state tuition rates.
  • Additional Budget Items

    Equipment Costs

    These programs require you to purchase equipment to use in the classroom and labs.

    • Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing (1 year) technical diploma: $1,800
    • Auto Collision Repair and Refinishing (2 year) technical diploma: $1,800
    • Cosmetology technical diploma: $2,700
    • Dental Hygienist associate degree: $1,732
    • Photography associate degree: $3,200
    • Veterinary Technician associate degree: $1,000

    License, Certification or First Professional Credential

    Some programs require professional licensure, certification or a first professional credential.

    • Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Technology associate degree: $35
    • Artisanal Modern Meat Butchery technical diploma: $38
    • Baking & Decorative Arts technical diploma: $38
    • Culinary Arts associate degree: $38
    • Culinary Production Specialist technical diploma: $38
    • Electrical Engineering Technology associate: $112
    • Electro-Mechanical Technology associate: $290
    • Electronic Service Technician technical diploma: $212
    • Electronic Soldering Assembler technical diploma: $212
    • Electronics associate: $112
    • Industrial Automation - Post Baccalaureate certificate: $255
    • Industrial Mechanic - Facilities technical diploma: $35
    • Industrial Mechanic - HVAC technical diploma: $35
    • Industrial Mechanic - Advanced Manufacturing technical diploma: $80
    • Plumbing apprenticeship: $285
    • Radiography associate degree (only upon graduation in order to be licensed in WI): $225 ARRT, $75 WI State license ($60 initial + $15 for ARRT exam fee)
    • Respiratory Therapy associate degree (only upon graduation in order to be licensed in WI): $60 licensure, $190 TMC (first board exam, required for licensure), $200 (advanced board exam, required by most local hospitals within 6 months of hire)
    • Surgical Technology (2-year) technical diploma: $247
    • Surgical Technologist (1-year) technical diploma: $247
    • Technical Electrician apprenticeship: $165
    • Trade Electrician apprenticeship: $165
    • Veterinary Technician associate degree (only upon graduation in order to be certified in WI: $340 VTNE Exam)

Cost of Attendance

Use this as a guide to help you budget for attending Madison College.

COA Expenses

The cost of attendance is composed of the following expenses:

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fee rates are set annually by the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Board. Your tuition cost is based on your enrollment status as of the Pell Recalculation Date each term.


Costs for books and supplies will vary based on your program and the classes and books required. We have a Book Charge program which may allow you to pay for books with financial aid. We also offer the option to rent textbooks for many programs.

Food and Housing

Food and housing are estimated living expenses you could need as a student. In your cost of attendance, you will either have “Away from Home” or “At Home” costs based on the housing choice provided. Food represents the average cost of three meals per day, seven days a week. Housing represents the average rent within the Madison College district.


Personal expenses vary and include personal care, clothing and phone. Keep in mind that you control many of these costs. You may need to make adjustments to ensure you can afford to cover these and your other expenses.


Transportation expenses reflect the typical costs of traveling to attend school. Your actual costs may be different based on your transportation choices. Purchasing a vehicle, car loan payments, insurance costs and major repairs are not included in these costs.

Federal Direct Loan Fees

If you accept Federal loans (subsidized or unsubsidized), you may be accruing interest during the year.

Miscellaneous Items

Although no line is assigned for this expense, be aware of other costs such as child care, utilities, etc.

  • Cost of Attendance (2025-2026)

    These costs are estimates based on two 16-week semesters of enrollment. Expenses such as personal, food and housing, or transportation may be less based on the weeks you are enrolled.

    • Full‑Time = 12 or more credits
    • 3/4‑Time = 9-11 credits
    • 1/2‑Time = 6-8 credits
    • less than 1/2‑Time = 1-5 credits
    University Transfer Students (Living Off Campus)Full‑Time3/4‑Time1/2‑Time< 1/2‑Time
    Food and Housing$13,824$13,824$13,824$0
    Loan Fees$84$84$84$0
    Associate Degree and Technical Diploma Students (Living Off Campus)Full‑Time3/4‑Time1/2‑Time< 1/2‑Time
    Food and Housing$13,824$13,824$13,824$0
    Loan Fees$84$84$84$0
  • Cost of Attendance (2024-2025)

    These costs are estimates based on two 16-week semesters of enrollment. Expenses such as personal, food and housing, or transportation may be less based on the weeks you are enrolled.

    • Full‑Time = 12 or more credits
    • 3/4‑Time = 9-11 credits
    • 1/2‑Time = 6-8 credits
    • less than 1/2‑Time = 1-5 credits
    University Transfer Students (Living Off Campus)Full‑Time3/4‑Time1/2‑Time< 1/2‑Time
    Food and Housing$17,760$17,760$17,760$0 
    Loan Fees$84$84$84$0 
    Transportation$4,000$4,000 $4,000 $4,000
    Associate Degree and Technical Diploma Students (Living Off Campus)Full‑Time3/4‑Time1/2‑Time< 1/2‑Time
    Food and Housing$17,760$17,760$17,760$0 
    Loan Fees$84$84$84$0 
    Transportation$4,000$4,000 $4,000 $4,000


Can I Increase My COA?

If you have additional expenses or other unrelated expenses not already included, you can ask to have your COA evaluated for a potential adjustment.

Financial Need

The Student Aid Index (SAI) determines your eligibility for certain types of federal student aid. This number is calculated using information you provided on your FAFSA.

Financial Need is the difference between your COA and your SAI (COA - SAI = Financial Need). This identifies how much need-based financial aid you can receive toward your cost of attendance.

Some types of aid such as grantsFederal Direct Subsidized Loans and work study, are based on financial need and the availability of funds. The total aid amount from all sources cannot exceed your COA. If your COA is exceeded (over awarded), your financial aid may be adjusted. You must inform the Financial Aid Office of any other aid (e.g., scholarships, state grants, etc.) not listed on your offer.


You’ll be billed after you register for classes.

Pay online, in-person or go old school and send a check.

You may make partial payments at any time. 

Payment Due Dates

  • Fall semester: September 30
  • Spring semester: February 15
  • Summer: June 30