Madison College commencement sparks new beginning for grads, end of an era for retiring president
Alex Kaiser described himself as an “excellent burnout” struggling to find direction six years after graduating from high school.
"The thought of going back to school and trying to get my life together came to mind periodically, but feelings of shame, fear, and inadequacy held me back from taking action," Kaiser said. "I can’t tell you exactly what prompted me to enroll in Madison College, but it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."
Kaiser, among the 1,217 students who earned degrees this fall at Madison College, was the student speaker at the Dec. 12 commencement ceremony at the Alliant Energy Center Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Madison.
The fall 2024 graduating class had the largest cohort from nursing, emergency medical technician, and liberal arts programs. Most graduates were 22-years-old or younger, followed closely by those in the 23-39 age range. Additionally, more than 11% of graduates were over 40 years old.

A leader's legacy
Thursday's ceremony marked the last for retiring President Jack E. Daniels III, who considers the previous 23 graduations highlights of his years at the college.
“Seeing all of you this evening represents the culmination of the best moments in my career – you and those before you achieving the goals you set when you came to Madison College,” Daniels said.
Daniels joined the college in 2013 and successfully expanded program offerings, curricula, and transfer agreements with four-year colleges. His commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion increased the percentage of students of color from 22% to 35% over the past decade.
As Daniels shook hands with graduates as they received their diplomas, he offered this advice: “As you leave here this evening, remember: each day is a blank page for you to write your own story. Be bold in turning the page, unafraid to start new chapters, and brave enough to do it your way. Live a story so great that it deserves to be told, and let your journey reflect your values and what you wish to be remembered for.”
Transformative experience
Student speaker Kaiser inspired fellow graduates, reflecting that he found success at Madison College when he "stopped pussyfooting and went all in."
He enrolled full-time and became a full-fledged member of the WolfPack community, participating in park clean-ups and movie nights and becoming a regular at STEM Club. With encouragement and support from Madison College instructors and advisors, he worked at the Volunteer Center and Tutoring Center, and his classmates encouraged him to join student government.
"I made friends with other Madison College students, some of whom are graduating with me tonight,” said Kaiser, who earned an Associate in Science (Liberal Arts Transfer-Engineering).

Kaiser shared that his life transformed completely after enrolling in Madison College; he reconnected with friends and family, is in a loving relationship, and plans to transfer to the University of Wisconsin-Madison in January to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Applied Math, Engineering, and Physics.
"I like the person I am and feel proud of myself. I have found a well of confidence to draw from that I never knew was there and now handle with ease situations that used to baffle me. I have been blessed with many opportunities to grow and many channels of support at Madison College."
Kaiser celebrated the positive changes in his life and wished the same for his fellow graduates.
“Be proud of yourself for completing the first step toward becoming a happier and healthier you. Be proud of yourself that you are about to take the next one. I’ll be with you as we trudge the road of a happy destiny. Good luck and God bless you all! Thank you.”