Madison College President Jack E. Daniels III to Retire
In his eleventh year of stewardship, Madison College President Jack E. Daniels, III has announced he will retire in June of 2024. The announcement was made at a meeting of the Madison College District Board on October 4.
In an email to Madison College faculty and staff, Daniels reflected on some of the transformative work that they have collectively accomplished:
We’ve established Madison College as an engine of innovation, a driver of economic impact, and a collaborator in far-reaching community and educational partnerships. We’ve significantly changed the physical landscape of our facilities and reshaped the perception of a high-quality, community college experience.

Daniels came to Madison College in 2013 from Los Angeles Southwest College and quickly became a leader in the community as well as at the college. He has served area non-profits, the business community, and worked with multiple organizations all while cementing Madison College's role as a catalyst for economic and workforce development.
“It's been a privilege to serve this community and this institution," said Daniels. "Madison College stands head and shoulders above most and is exceptional in what it does and provides. And our faculty and staff understand, fully, our role in the community, and how we can best serve and have meaningful and lasting impact that changes lives.”
Among his many noteworthy accomplishments are the vision for and creation of Madison College’s Goodman South Campus and the dedicated coalition of area leaders he assembled to execute that vision of intentionally serving and supporting the south Madison community. His leadership was also instrumental in instituting the college’s shared governance model and philosophy for participatory decision-making practices. He worked with college leadership to expand program and apprenticeship offerings, craft new curricula to meet the needs of a changing workforce and institute numerous new transfer agreements with four-year colleges and universities.
Daniels helped guide the college's extraordinary response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which included continuing to provide high-quality, accessible educational opportunities while prioritizing the health and safety of students and employees and ensuring access to necessary services and aid. His tenure also coincided with challenging and tumultuous societal moments during which the school remained steadfast to its unwavering commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Under his leadership, the number of students of color served by Madison College increased from 22% to 35% over the past decade. Similarly, the number of employees of color has also grown. Since 2015, full-time staff of color has grown 44% and full-time managers of color has grown 45%. Additionally, Black full-time faculty has grown 20% and Latino full-time faculty has grown 15%.
“Dr. Daniels’ leadership and vision leaves Madison College in a strong position for the future and uniquely suited to meet the opportunities ahead,” said Donald Dantzler, Madison College District Board of Trustees Chair. “Both the college and community have benefited from his guidance, voice and steady hand, and we are indebted.”
Madison College will be launching a national search for Daniels’ replacement in the coming weeks.
For all media inquiries, please contact Mel Charbonneau, Madison College’s Director of Communications at 906.361.7263 or