The Facilities Planning and Investment Council, along with Dr. Daniels, District Board members, college leadership, deans, faculty and students have successfully completed the 2018 Facilities Strategic Plan (FSP) for Madison College. The plan will meet the needs of students, faculty and communities in the district for the next 10 years.
Over the 2016-2018 academic year, with the assistance of Plunkett Raysich Architects, the team assessed current facilities throughout the district to recommend future changes. This information, along with surveys, interview, focus groups, and meetings will provide input to the project ideas for the next FSP. The plan will focus on how the college uses existing facilities and what happens inside the walls of the college.
Interviews with the Board of Trustees, college leaders and a survey of faculty identified more than 500 possible projects. The FSP team then filtered this list through the following guidelines:
- Prioritizes student needs
- Design for the future
- All spaces are inclusive and equitable
- All facilities and program spaces are equally supported
- Sustainable environmental stewardship and leadership
- Supports curricular priorities
- Supports Student Services priorities
Using rankings established by the consultants and filters such as the number of students impacted and timing of the proposed project, these major themes emerged:
- Flexibility – There is a need for spaces that can accommodate many needs.
- Existing spaces – Issues brought forward do not indicate a need for new facilities. They are about using existing spaces to meet current and future needs.
- Collaboration – Today’s industries work collaboratively across disciplines. This is illustrated in the Makerspace and Entrepreneurship Center.
- Technology and innovation – We are training students for careers that don’t even exist yet. We need spaces that will allow us to quickly adapt to industry needs.
- Strategic planning – Upgrades of facilities to meet student needs happen every year. The FSP addresses needs in a long-range, strategic manner and avoids reactionary short-term solutions.
The final plan has been accepted by the Madison College District Board of Trustees. More about the plan can be found on our YouTube page.