International Cooperation Between Madison College and UW Detailed in New Book Chapter

Madison College has a long and rich history of close collaboration and partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison in advancing international learning and engagement. This history is detailed in a chapter by Madison College Associate Vice President of Global Strategy, Dr. Geoff Bradshaw, in a newly released book, Wisconsin in the World: Internationalization at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (2023, Information Age Publishing).
Wisconsin in the World explores the ways UW-Madison has engaged internationally since its earliest days and its publication coincides with the university’s 175th anniversary. The 604-page book covers various programs and units at UW and partner institutions that have contributed to institution’s global reputation.
Dr. Bradshaw, was invited to author a chapter that traces more than 20 years of joint Madison College – UW programs which have expanded opportunities for students, faculty, and the community to learn about global issues, people, cultures and languages.
“Sharing the city with one of the most globally-engaged universities in the world has obvious ripple effects in raising the visibility, connections, and impact of Madison College international education efforts,” explains Bradshaw. “But what is less obvious is the true spirit of cooperation that has moved such linkages beyond outreach, to mutually beneficial programs that create an international education ecosystem that is greater than the sum of our individual parts.”

The book is organized into four sections—internationalization of the curriculum, experiential learning, establishing linkages, and administration. Using the Madison College partnership as a case study, Bradshaw’s chapter serves as an introduction to the linkages section providing insights and comparison between other section authors.
“Deeply ingrained in UW-Madison’s academic culture is the concept of the “Wisconsin Idea” that academic institutions should play a critical role in addressing global issues and serving the greater public good,” notes Bradshaw. “This ethos plays an important role in fostering authentic collaborative partnerships to raise global understanding and integrate global learning into the community. The close relationship between UW-Madison and Madison College in promoting international learning is a great example of the Wisconsin Idea at work.”
“While not comprehensive, the project provides a robust cross-section of examples of how UW faculty, staff, and students have been engaging globally throughout the 20th and 21st centuries,” said Elise Ahn, director of the International Projects Office and the book’s editor. “What the book demonstrates is that foundational to the Wisconsin Idea is the power of the person-to-person connection.”
Events are being planned to coincide with the launch of the book throughout the upcoming year, including a networking lunch, followed by a panel discussion, on Friday, October 20, 2023. More information about the book project can be found at The website also features section and chapter overviews, information on contributors, events, and more. Please continue to check the site over the months ahead as new opportunities to engage will be added.