Madison College instructor kicks off global discussion on dyslexia
Experts say dyslexia affects about one in five children, making it the most common learning difference among students. The language-based learning difference occurs in people of all backgrounds and intellectual levels, with the level of severity varying from person to person.
In the first session of Dyslexia DecodEd 2021, Madison College reading instructor Dr. Shawn Robinson kicks off a three-part global discussion on:
- The challenges navigating dyslexia in our educational environments
- The importance of building awareness about dyslexia
- How dyslexia is an equity issue
- The types of support and educational systems needed to help today’s students
Dyslexia DecodEd – Part 1
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021
6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Register here
Learn more about Dyslexia DecodEd Part 2 and Part 3.