Madison College Students Win Top Statewide Broadcast Journalism Awards
Madison College students took home three top statewide awards for student broadcast journalism at the Wisconsin Broadcasters Association annual conference held at Lambeau Field in Green Bay in February.
The award-winning Madison College students were from Todd Bowie’s fall semester Event Production class.
Nancy Stillwell, journalism and speech faculty, who submitted the college’s WBA entries, praised Bowie’s successful guidance of students to produce three top prize-winning projects.
“The college’s broadcast journalism awards are an example of the quality video production and journalism training offered at Madison College, especially the caliber of Bowie’s instruction,” Stillwell said. “I think what’s really cool about this school is that it’s small enough that we can work together on various projects and make everybody look good.”
The Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Awards for Excellence recognizes outstanding radio and television broadcast by college students with entries from colleges and universities across the state.

First Place in Special Programming (TV) category: “Writer’s Life Lecture Series: Songwriting with Beth Kille.”
Student awardees: Lauren Taillon, Lucas Aldrich, Zac Curtes, Diego Harrington, Xander Uselmen, and Sy Weeten.
This hour-long Writer’s Life event, held in December at Truax, was a collaborative effort between video/audio and journalism students. Bowie’s Event Production class produced and edited the taping of this Writer’s Life event that featured Kille, an award-winning Madison songwriter and musician, Lauren Taillon, Journalism Certificate student and co-moderator, and L. David Hansen, journalism faculty and co-moderator.
Second Place (Live Special TV) category: “Innovative Future: The 7th Annual Embrace Fashion Show,”
Student awardees: Riley Schultz, Danny Ackerman, Diego Harrington, Lucas Aldrich, Paul Edfors, and Collin Aldrich.
Third Place Informational/Educational/Corporate Production (TV) category: MCTV-Live.
Student awardees: Maya Gallegos, Kate McAuliffe, Paul Edfors, Lindsey Haight, Sam Waldhart, and Riley Schultz.