Students prepare for a different type of world competition in China

Right now, hundreds of people from across the world are practicing their skills for a special competition in China that will award them gold, silver and bronze medals. But, we're not talking about the 2022 Winter Olympics.
The WorldSkills Competition kicks off in Shanghai this fall and former technical college student Gabe Krebs is working with Madison College instructor and USA team coach Tom Wozniak to hone his skills in the Diesel Equipment Technology category.
“Everything that you do in your life has been touched by something in this diesel industry, from the clothes you buy and the food you eat to the house you live in and the roads you drive on,” Wozniak told the Cap Times. “All of that wouldn't have been able to happen without this industry.”
Wozniak says the competition evaluates 50 trade skills, including hospitality, cosmetology, car repair and cooking, attracting thousands of people from more than 76 countries.
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