Madison College announces Honors Program competition winners



Madison College's Honors Program is a college-wide, project-based program where qualified students work with an honors supervising faculty member over the course of a semester to develop an honors project. At the end of each semester the college holds a competition among its Honors Program students. Here are the recently announced winners of that competition.


Barbara Moreno
"Archaeans and the Human Body"
Program or Discipline: Biology
Honors Supervising Faculty: Beth Behr

Literature review on the relationship between Archaeans and human health highlighting areas where research is lacking.

Francisco Eujenin Campos
“International Student Resource”
Program or Discipline: Marketing 
Honors Supervising Faculty: Steve Noll

Research and create elements to promote social media and/or digital awareness for international educational opportunities.


THIRD PLACE ($100)  

Lisa Adritsch  
"Ice Age Segment Tracker” 
Program or Discipline: IT-Web Software Developer 
Honors Supervising Faculty: Ken Marks

Website for trail runners and hikers to track complete segments of the Ice Age Trail. The website will have users logins and will track user statistics.