Do we need to draw you a picture? How about this: you draw it. We’ll show you how to turn it into a really awesome job.
Madison College animation student using a stylus pen
Job Placement
92% job placement within six months of graduation.
Student Satisfaction
100% of our recent graduates report they are satisfied with their Madison College education.
Work Local
91% of our recent graduates work in Wisconsin.

Ready to Learn More?

If you’d like to learn more about the Animation program, we’d love to talk with you.

We’re here to answer any questions and guide you through our application process step-by-step.

Send us your contact information, and we’ll help you get started right away!

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Program Number: 102071
Your Degree:
Associate Degree
Area of Study:
Arts, Design and Humanities
Delivery Method:
Some Online/Some In Person
Estimated Time to Complete:
63 Credits | Finish degree in 2 years
financial aid icon Financial Aid Available
transfer icon Program Transfers
net price calculator sketch
What You'll Pay
Use our Net Price Calculator to estimate your tuition costs.
Estimated Program Cost
Financial Aid
Applying for financial aid and scholarships help you pay for your education.
  • Program Overview

    Gain professional skills in traditional and digital 3D animation and concept planning and development.

    Madison College’s Associate of Arts Degree in Animation and Concept Development classes will provide you with a broad foundation of skills in:

    • Concept drawing and layout
    • Figure/life drawing for concept work
    • Concept presentation
    • Digital modeling, texturing, rigging and animation
    • Level design and construction
    • Asset creation and management
    • Digital lighting and cinematography

    Graduating students have the opportunity to apply for professional internships and mentorships, and create a professional portfolio and demo reel.

    Program Details

    Students in the Animation program must attend classes full time.

    Animation classes are offered at the Madison College Truax campus.

    Careers in Animation

    Earning your associate degree in the Animation program at Madison College prepares you for valuable work as a:

    • Character Animator
    • Concept Artist/Designer
    • Storyboard Artist

    You will also be prepared for work as an animator, modeler, lighter, or illustrator in the following industries:

    • Advertising
    • Architecture
    • Broadcasting
    • Entertainment
    • Game Design
    • Instructional
    • Medical and Scientific
    • Multimedia Production
    • Printing/Publishing
    • Product Design Development
    • Web Design
  • Curriculum and Experience

    Prospective program students, the information below reflects the basic requirements for students admitted for the 2025-2026 academic year. To learn more about Madison College, visit us.

    Current and newly admitted program students, go directly to your Degree Progress Report to view:

    • Progress toward your specific requirements
    • Alternative (in lieu of) courses to meet specific requirements

    If you have questions after reviewing your degree progress report (advisement report), please see Advising Services.

    Prior to Start of Program
    2 credits
    2 credits
    First Semester
    3 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Second Semester
    3 credits
    3 credits
    2 credits
    1 credit
    Choose one of the following:
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Choose one of the following:
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Third Semester
    3 credits
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Choose one of the following:
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Choose one of the following:
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Choose one of the following:
    2 credits
    2 credits
    Fourth Semester
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
    2 credits
    1 credit
    Choose one of the following:
    3 credits
    3 credits
  • Admission

    To Apply

    Students need to complete the petition process to get into core-program classes for this program. Before submitting an application, it’s important to review the Petition Process webpage which also includes estimated wait times for each program.

    • View the admission requirements for application deadlines, materials, and requirements
    • There is currently 0-1 year between acceptance into pre-program and the start of core classes. The estimated time to enter the core program is subject to change based on the variable number of students ready to petition each semester.
    • Learn more about the Madison College experience and get help with the admissions process

    After Acceptance

    Once you have been accepted in a pre-program status, your next step is to complete the Petition Requirements. See the Petition information in the next section.    

    Additional Notes

    Students are required to meet the current admission and petition requirements. Requirements are subject to change based on updates to accreditation requirements or Madison College program assessment data.


    Contact Enrollment Services at or 608.246.6210.

    apply for admission

    Get Started!

    Apply to Madison College and take the first step towards your Animation career.

    It's Free to Apply

  • Petition

    After Admission (Petition Requirements)

    Run a Degree Progress Report to confirm which pre-program requirements are satisfied/not satisfied and specific ways to satisfy requirements.

    Complete the Petition Requirements for Animation. Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. A grade of C- will not be accepted.

    Mandatory workshop in BlackBoard

    Course Requirements:

    • 2D Fundamentals 
    • 3D Fundamentals


    This program petitions for entry into the following term:

    • Fall - Petition window opens on April 1

    Review the Petition Process for details on how and when to petition.

    After Petitioning

    If awarded a seat, you will receive instructions regarding the below required items. If you do not complete the required items, it may result in losing your seat and starting the application process from the beginning. 

    • Enrollment in core program courses. Students who are awarded a seat are expected to start the core program courses for the awarded term. Students who choose not to begin the core program courses or are not able to begin core program courses may be discontinued from pre-program status.


    Contact Enrollment Services at or 608.246.6210.

  • Transfer Opportunities

    Wisconsin Private Schools

    Student who earn an Associate Degree from Madison College can transfer a minimum of 60 credits and a maximum of 72 credits to Lakeland College to be applied to the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciences degree.
    Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Leadership

    Out-of-State Schools

    Students who complete any associate degree at Madison Area Technical College will have no additional general education core curriculum requirements to meet but must satisfy the Kirkpatrick Signature Series requirement.
    Students graduating with an associate degree from MATC with a 2.0 GPA or higher are guaranteed admissions into CSU-Global and can transfer up to 64 semester credits from MATC to be applied toward earning a Bachelor’s Degree at CSU-Global.
  • Career Outcomes

    After completing the Animation program at Madison Area Technical College, you will be able to:

    • Demonstrate competence in the technical and aesthetic skills necessary to meet challenges in the animation profession.
    • Apply the principles and theories necessary to contribute to the creation of professional animation in a business setting.
    • Apply critical thinking skills to solve complex problems and demonstrate effective organization in a high-pressure workplace.
    • Communicate effectively and professionally using appropriate media, including written, verbal, graphic and electronic communications.
    • Demonstrate creativity, innovation and flexibility in order to work successfully in a continuously changing animation business environment.
    • Assume responsibility for continuing education in order to maintain, expand and enhance professional and artistic growth.
    • Demonstrate the ability to work effectively with colleagues in a team setting and understand workflow processes in a business environment.
    • Exhibit desirable interpersonal skills, including but not limited to respect and sensitivity for diverse cultures and individuals.
    • Practice desirable professional ethics, honesty, and confidentiality as applied to copyrighted materials when working on various facets of animation.
    • Demonstrate the ability to apply principles of intellectual property and intellectual freedom to the professional production of animation.
    • Graduate Summary

      Graduate Report Summary Overview

      Number of Program Graduates486
      Number of Surveys Sent485
      Number of Surveys Returned334
      Percent of Surveys Returned
      Available for Employment334
      Percent Available for Employment100.0%100.0%100.0%
      Not in Labor Market
      Percent Not in Labor Market0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Available for Employment

      Graduates Employed323
      Percent of Graduates Employed100.0%66.7%75.0%
      Employed in Related Occupation101
      Percent Employed in Related Occupation33.3%0.0%33.3%
      Employed in Unrelated Occupation222
      Percent Employed in Unrelated Occupation66.7%100.0%66.7%
      Employed - No Response000
      Percent Employed - No Response0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Seeking Employment011
      Percent Seeking Employment0.0%33.3%25.0%
      Reaction To Training at Madison College

      Student satisfaction Mean (Out of 4)
      Number of Satisfaction Responses334
      Very Satisfied (4)111
      Percent Very Satisfied33.3%33.3%25.0%
      Satisfied (3)023
      Percent Satisfied0.0%66.7%75.0%
      Unsatisfied (2)100
      Percent Unsatisfied33.3%0.0%0.0%
      Very Unsatisfied (1)
      Percent Very Unsatisfied33.3%0.0%0.0%
      Primary Reason for Attending Madison College

      Number of Primary Reason Responses334
      Preparation for Getting a Job
      Percent Preparation for Getting a Job
      Career Change
      Percent Career Change
      Improvement of Existing Skills
      Percent Improvement of Existing Skills
      Preparation for Further Education
      Percent Preparation for Further Education
      Personal Interest
      Percent Personal Interest
      Percent Other0.0%0.0%0.0%
      When Employment was Obtained

      Number of When Employment Obtained Responses323
      Before Enrollment012
      Percent Before Enrollment0.0%50.0%66.7%
      While Attending the College000
      Percent While Attending the College0.0%0.0%0.0%
      After Training at the College311
      Percent After Training at the College100.0%50.0%33.3%
      Location of Employment (related and unrelated)

      Number of Employment Location Responses323
      In College District213
      Percent In College District66.7%50.0%100.0%
      In Wisconsin, Not in District110
      Percent of In Wisconsin33.3%50.0%0.0%
      Outside of Wisconsin000
      Percent Outside Wisconsin0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Employer Location Unknown000
      Percent Location Unknown0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Salary Trend
      Salary Trend202120222023
      Full Time Employment (Related Job)Full Time Salary Count11
      Average Monthly Wage$3,771$6,616
      Average Hourly Wage$21.92$38.46
      Average Work Hours per Week50.050.0
      Part Time Employment (Related Job)Part Time Salary Count
      Average Hourly Wage
      Average Work Hours per Week
    • Graduate Employers

      Graduate Employers for academic year: 2023
      Employer(s)Job TitleCity*State**Positions
      Madison Area Technical CollegeInstructor

      * - Only cities outside of Madison will display.

      ** - Only states outside of Wisconsin will display.

      *** - If you have a position to post, please contact Career and Employment Services at

Ready to get started?
Your first step is to apply to Madison College. It's easy and free to apply, so get started today!