Ready to Learn More?
If you’d like to learn more about the Veterinary Technician program, we’d love to talk with you.
We’re here to answer any questions and guide you through our application process step-by-step.
Send us your contact information, and we’ll help you get started right away!
Program Overview
Get the skills and learn procedures to improve the health and well-being of veterinary patients.
Madison College offers two paths to becoming a Veterinary Technician. Students working as veterinary assistants can learn semi-remotely as "Satellite" students.
Satellite students are employed as veterinary assistants working an average of 20 hours per week in a veterinary clinic. Hands-on skills are completed during select face-to-face labs, while theory is completed 100% online. For more details contact the Program Director or the School of Health Sciences.
Madison College's Veterinary Technician Program has been accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) since 1974. Visit the AVMA's website to learn more about essential veterinary technician skills students learn in our program.
Common Veterinary Technician Duties
- Collect samples and perform diagnostic laboratory tests
- Administer and monitor anesthesia
- Apply and maintain bandages
- Place intravenous catheters
- Client education and communication
- Perform dental procedures and oral radiographs
- Radiography, EKG and other diagnostic tests
- Perform physical examinations, gather medical histories, draw blood and take vital signs
- Provide emergency first aid
- Prepare and assist with surgery
- Animal pharmaceutical training
- Animal nursing care
After graduation, pass the Veterinary Technician National Exam to become a certified veterinary technician.
Program Requirements
You must demonstrate the ability to meet the essential functions of the Veterinary Technician program.
Transfer Credit
The Veterinary Technician program only accepts transfer credit for the 091 courses from other AVMA accredited programs/schools. Course syllabi and AVMA Essential Skills covered in those courses need to be provided to the Veterinary Technician Program Director for evaluation and consideration of transferability.
Following successful completion of this associates degree, students may complete a Bachelors of Animal Science at either UW River Falls or UW Platteville in two additional years.
Program Details
12 credits of core program courses available each semester.
Veterinary Technician classes are offered at the Madison College Truax campus.
Earning your Associate Degree in Applied Science program at Madison Area Technical College prepares you for valuable work as a Veterinary Technician or Laboratory Animal Technician.
Veterinary Technologists and Technicians are some of the fastest growing occupations. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 21% job growth from 2022 to 2032.
Technicians are usually employed by:
- Small/companion services
- Large animal/equine facilities
- Mixed animal or exotic animal practices
- Humane societies
- Research environments
With additional education and/or work experience, graduates may find employment as:
- Hospital Managers
- Facility Managers
- Pet Food Company Representative
- Drug Company Representative
Learn about other veterinary technician opportunities.
Madison College's veterinary technician program is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities.
Curriculum and Experience
Prospective program students, the information below reflects the basic requirements for students admitted for the 2025-2026 academic year. To learn more about Madison College, visit us.
Current and newly admitted program students, go directly to your Degree Progress Report to view:
- Progress toward your specific requirements
- Alternative (in lieu of) courses to meet specific requirements
If you have questions after reviewing your degree progress report (advisement report), please see Advising Services.
Pre-Program CoursesFirst SemesterSecond SemesterThird SemesterFourth Semester -
To Apply
Students need to complete the petition process to get into core-program classes for this program. Before submitting an application, it’s important to review the Petition Process webpage which also includes estimated wait times for each program.
- View the admission requirements for application deadlines, materials, and requirements
- There is currently 0-1 year between acceptance into pre-program and the start of core classes. The estimated time to enter the core program is subject to change based on the variable number of students ready to petition each semester.
- During the course of the program, you must demonstrate the ability to perform these essential functions safely, reliably and efficiently within the scope of practice. If you need accommodations to help you perform these functions, contact our Disability Resource Services office.
- Learn more about the Madison College experience and get help with the admissions process
After Acceptance
Once you have been accepted in a pre-program status, your next step is to complete the Petition Requirements. See the Petition information in the next section.
Additional Notes
Students are required to meet the current admission and petition requirements. Requirements are subject to change based on updates to accreditation requirements or Madison College program assessment data.
Contact Enrollment Services at or 608.246.6210.
Get Started!
Apply to Madison College and take the first step towards your Veterinary Technician career.
- View the admission requirements for application deadlines, materials, and requirements
After Admission (Petition Requirements)
Run a Degree Progress Report to confirm which pre-program requirements are satisfied/not satisfied and specific ways to satisfy requirements.
Complete the Petition Requirements for Veterinary Technician. Courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. A grade of C- will not be accepted.
Mandatory workshop in BlackBoard
- Algebra (testing, college coursework or bachelor’s degree in a related biological science)
- Chemistry (high school or college coursework)
- English and Reading (testing, college coursework or bachelor’s degree)
Course Requirement:
- Principles of Animal Biology
This program petitions for entry into the following term:
- Fall - Petition window opens on April 1
Review the Petition Process for details on how and when to petition.
After Petitioning
If awarded a seat, you will receive instructions regarding the below required items. If you do not complete the required items, it may result in losing your seat and starting the application process from the beginning.
A background check is not required for entry into the Veterinary Technician program. However, convictions of crimes or pending charges may be grounds for denial of license if the circumstances of the conviction or charge are related to professional practice. Contact the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection for more information at 608-224-4353 or email at
- Complete the Veterinary Sciences Job Shadow Form
- Consult your physician:
- It is recommended that Veterinary Technician students get a physical exam before starting the program
- It is required for all students to receive the 2-dose pre-exposure rabies vaccinations prior to entering the Veterinary Assistant or Veterinary Technician programs. Additional information:
- Attend a mandatory Advising and Registration session. Students awarded a seat in the core program will receive additional information on these sessions.
- Enroll in core program courses. Students who are awarded a seat are expected to start the core program courses for the awarded term. Students who choose not to begin the core program courses or are not able to begin core program courses may be discontinued from pre-program status.
Contact Enrollment Services at or 608.246.6210.
Transfer Opportunities
UW System Schools
The terms of the B.S in Human Services Leadership agreement are limited to students who complete selective A.A.S degrees and are admitted to the Human Services Leadership at UW-Oshkosh. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher10 UW-Platteville transfer students will be guaranteed seats in the Madison College Vet Tech freshmen class. Outlines transfer credit.Outlines two-way transfer pathway between programs.Wisconsin Private Schools
This program-to-program articulation agreement between Carroll University and Madison College allows students to transfer to Carroll University after completing the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S). Veterinary Technician, are guaranteed admission to Carroll University and into the Bachelor of Science in Animal Behavior program. This agreement is to include Veterinary Technician students that have graduated as of Fall 2021 and after.Students with an AA, AS or AAS are Advanced Core. Advanced Core requires students to have earned at least 60 credits. Students transferring prior to completion or with less than 60 credits are standard core and credits are evaluated course by course.Student who earn an Associate Degree from Madison College can transfer a minimum of 60 credits and a maximum of 72 credits to Lakeland College to be applied to the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciences degree.Completion of an A.A.S. Degree at Madison College after 2015, and meeting admission requirements for the Rader School of Business (RSOB) at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) can earn a B.B.A degree in Technical Sales at MSOE.Out-of-State Schools
Students who complete any associate degree at Madison Area Technical College will have no additional general education core curriculum requirements to meet but must satisfy the Kirkpatrick Signature Series requirement.Per the agreement, students must complete the associates of arts, associates of science or associates of applied science with an overall GPA of a 2.0 prior to transferring.Students graduating with an associate degree from MATC with a 2.0 GPA or higher are guaranteed admissions into CSU-Global and can transfer up to 64 semester credits from MATC to be applied toward earning a Bachelor’s Degree at CSU-Global.Franklin University will guarantee acceptance of Madison College graduates with an AA, AS, or AAS. Madison College graduates will have junior standing at Franklin University and may transfer up to 94 additional credits toward their baccalaureate degree.This agreement provides students who have earned an Associate in Applied Science in Veterinary Technician (AAS-VT) the opportunity to complete a Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology (BSVT) at MU. -
Career Outcomes
Madison College Veterinary Technician Program prepares graduates for entry level veterinary technician positions. Our mission is to provide accessible, high-quality, learning experiences in the field of Veterinary Medicine to improve animal and human health.
- Participate in facility management utilizing traditional and electronic media and appropriate Veterinary Medical Terminology and abbreviations.
- Communicate in a professional manner in all formats, written, oral, nonverbal and electronic.
- Read and follow protocols and procedures accurately and within time constraints.
- Work as a team member demonstrating initiative, and applying time and stress management techniques.
- Identify and manage stressful and emotional work situations.
- Follow and uphold applicable laws and the veterinary technology profession’s ethical code to provide high quality care to patients.
- Safely and effectively administer prescribed drugs to patients, and accurately dispense and explain drugs to clients.
- Demonstrate and perform patient assessment techniques, husbandry, nutrition, therapeutic and dentistry techniques in a variety of animal species (including laboratory animal species, companion animals and food animals).
- Safely and effectively manage patients in all phases of anesthetic procedures, as well as safely and effectively select, utilize and maintain anesthetic delivery and monitoring instruments and equipment.
- Demonstrate and integrate all aspects of patient management for common surgical procedures in a variety of animal species.
- Properly package, handle and store specimens for laboratory analysis, properly carry out analysis of laboratory specimens. (Blood, urine, feces, tissues, skin scrapes, discharge, body fluids)
- Safely and effectively produce diagnostic images.
Veterinary Technician National Exam Scores
January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024
- The three-year pass rate (based on a September 1 to September 1 reporting year) on the Veterinary Technician National Examination (VTNE): 75.2% pass rate for first time test takers (National average is 6.8%).
- The number of first-time candidates that have taken the VTNE, for the corresponding time frame as the reported VTNE pass rate: 117 first time test takers.
Graduate Summary
Graduate Report Summary Overview
2021 2022 2023 Number of Program Graduates 54 29 56 Number of Surveys Sent 54 29 56 Number of Surveys Returned 37 14 40 Percent of Surveys Returned Available for Employment 34 14 38 Percent Available for Employment 91.9% 100.0% 95.0% Not in Labor Market Percent Not in Labor Market 8.1% 0.0% 5.0% Available for Employment
2021 2022 2023 Graduates Employed 32 14 37 Percent of Graduates Employed 94.1% 100.0% 97.4% Employed in Related Occupation 31 12 35 Percent Employed in Related Occupation 96.9% 85.7% 94.6% Employed in Unrelated Occupation 1 2 2 Percent Employed in Unrelated Occupation 3.1% 14.3% 5.4% Employed - No Response 0 0 0 Percent Employed - No Response 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Seeking Employment 2 0 1 Percent Seeking Employment 5.9% 0.0% 2.6% Reaction To Training at Madison College
2021 2022 2023 Student satisfaction Mean (Out of 4) 3.2 3.2 3.5 Number of Satisfaction Responses 37 14 40 Very Satisfied (4) 8 4 18 Percent Very Satisfied 21.6% 28.6% 45.0% Satisfied (3) 27 9 22 Percent Satisfied 73.0% 64.3% 55.0% Unsatisfied (2) 2 1 0 Percent Unsatisfied 5.4% 7.1% 0.0% Very Unsatisfied (1) Percent Very Unsatisfied 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Primary Reason for Attending Madison College
2021 2022 2023 Number of Primary Reason Responses 37 14 40 Preparation for Getting a Job Percent Preparation for Getting a Job Career Change Percent Career Change Improvement of Existing Skills Percent Improvement of Existing Skills Preparation for Further Education Percent Preparation for Further Education Personal Interest Percent Personal Interest Other Percent Other 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% When Employment was Obtained
2021 2022 2023 Number of When Employment Obtained Responses 32 14 37 Before Enrollment 7 4 15 Percent Before Enrollment 21.9% 28.6% 40.5% While Attending the College 16 5 13 Percent While Attending the College 50.0% 35.7% 35.1% After Training at the College 9 5 9 Percent After Training at the College 28.1% 35.7% 24.3% Location of Employment (related and unrelated)
2021 2022 2023 Number of Employment Location Responses 32 14 37 In College District 13 10 25 Percent In College District 40.6% 71.4% 67.6% In Wisconsin, Not in District 14 3 8 Percent of In Wisconsin 43.8% 21.4% 21.6% Outside of Wisconsin 5 1 1 Percent Outside Wisconsin 15.6% 7.1% 2.7% Employer Location Unknown 0 0 3 Percent Location Unknown 0.0% 0.0% 8.1% Salary Trend 2021 2022 2023 Full Time Employment (Related Job) Full Time Salary Count 29 9 31 Average Monthly Wage $2,830 $3,140 $3,382 Average Hourly Wage $16.46 $18.26 $19.66 Average Work Hours per Week 39.7 39.6 40.5 Part Time Employment (Related Job) Part Time Salary Count 2 1 1 Average Hourly Wage $18.00 $19.00 $17.00 Average Work Hours per Week 28.0 29.0 30.0 -
Graduate Employers
Graduate Employers for academic year: 2023 Employer(s) Job Title City* State** Positions AbbVie, Inc Animal Health Technician, CVT North Chicago IL Animal Entertainment Animal Caretaker Princeton Banfield Pet Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Baraboo Valley Veterinary Clinic Certified Veterinary Technician Baraboo Bay East Animal Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Green Bay Casserly Veterinary Services Certified Veterinary Technician Ixonia Cat Care Clinic Veterinary Technician CJ Haase Veterinary Clinic Veterinary Technician Reeseville Countryside Veterinary Service Certified Veterinary Technician Appleton Dane County Humane Society Wildlife Veterinary Technician DeForest Veterinary Clinic Certified Veterinary Technician DeForest Dr. Terri Osgood Certified Veterinary Technician Edgerton Envigo Lab animal technician Four Lakes Veterinary Clinic Veterinary Technician Heritage Animal Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Greenville Lakeview Veterinary Clinic Certified Veterinary Technician Lodi Veterinary Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Lodi Madison Veterinary Specialists Certified Veterinary Technician 2 Middleton Veterinary Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Middleton Northside Animal Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Oregon Veterinary Clinic Veterinary Technician Oregon Passion for Paws Certified Veterinary Technician Pierce Veterinary Clinic Certified Veterinary Technician Ellsworth Pineview Vet Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Waunakee Randolph Veterinary Clinic Certified Veterinary Technician Randolph Sauk Prairie Small Animal Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician Prairie du Sac True Veterinary Clinic Veterinary Technician Verona Truesdell Animal Care Hospital Certified Veterinary Technician UW-Madison Veterinary School Veterinary Nurse Waukesha Veterinarian Referral Center Certified Veterinary Technician Waukesha * - Only cities outside of Madison will display.
** - Only states outside of Wisconsin will display.
*** - If you have a position to post, please contact Career and Employment Services at