The petition process is a way to prepare for and select when to begin core-program courses.
The path to the core program begins with applying for admission to your program.
- Admission (pre-program)
- Petition Requirements
- Petitioning
- Petition Decisions
- Core-program
The petition process is subject to change based on updates to accreditation requirements or Madison College program assessment data. Changes may include programs that use petition, petition requirements, the selection process, and priority.
Students are required to meet the current admission and petition requirements.
Students must petition and be awarded a seat before they can enroll in core-program courses.
- Petition Programs and Estimated Wait Times
Below are estimated wait times for programs that follow the petition process. These estimates start at the time a student is accepted into a pre-program status*. Estimates are subject to change due to the changing number of students in pre-program status and the number of students who are ready to petition each semester.
Students who have completed or are in-progress with all petition requirements can petition to begin core-program courses. The number of times a student must petition may depend on when all requirements are satisfied.
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 0-1 yearAssociate Degree Nursing
Petition process occurs each semester, excluding summer, estimated wait time 0-2 semesters, also subject to change due to program option (traditional, Paramedic-AD, or LPN-AD)Dental Assistant
Petition process occurs each semester, including summer, estimated wait time 0-1 semesterDental Hygienist
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 3 yearsMedical Assistant
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 0-1 yearMedical Coding Specialist
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 0-1 yearNursing Completion LPN to ADN
Petition process occurs each semester, excluding summer, estimated wait time 0-2 semestersNursing Completion Paramedic to ADN
Petition process typically occurs once a year, but is on hold for 2024-2025. Historically the estimated wait time was 0-1 year.Occupational Therapy Assistant
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 0-1 yearParamedic
Petition process occurs each semester, excluding summer, no current estimated wait timeParamedic Technician
Petition process occurs each semester, excluding summer, no current estimated wait timePractical Nursing
Petition process occurs each semester for the Goodman South Campus and once a year for the Fort Atkinson Campus, excluding summer, estimated wait time 0-2 semestersRadiography
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 1-2 yearsRespiratory Therapy
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 0-1 yearSurgical Technology
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 0-1 yearVeterinary Assistant
Petition process occurs once a year, no current estimated wait timeVeterinary Technician
Petition process occurs once a year, estimated wait time 0-1 year*Note: Application completion dates do not transfer between programs. Please see Selection Process for more information about how completion dates impact entry into the core program.
- Petition Process Overview
The petition process includes the following steps:
Admission (pre-program)
Students apply for admission into pre-program status. Each program webpage has an Admission section with information about this step. Admission Requirements vary by program.Petition Requirements
Complete all the petition requirements for your program. These requirements help you prepare for and be successful in the core program. Run your Degree Progress Report to review which pre-program requirements are satisfied and which are not satisfied.Petitioning
Once you have completed all your petition requirements or are in your final semester of in-progress courses, you will be eligible to petition to start the core program. There is a short form that populates for eligible students in the myMadisonCollege To Do List during open petition windows. Submit the petition form to be considered for entry into the core program.The petition form is open one to three times a year, depending on the program. See the Petition Windows section to confirm when the petition window is open for your program.
- April: Petition for fall term (all programs)
- September: Petition for spring term (some programs)
- February: Petition for summer term (Dental Assistant only)
Petition Decisions
Seat Awarded: If you are awarded a seat in the program you petitioned for, you will be able to start the core program. Students who are in their final semester of petition requirements must complete the additional steps listed in the petition decision email.
Alternate: If students who have been awarded a space in the core program give up their seat, alternates will be offered an open seat.
Not selected: Students who are not awarded a seat or alternates who are not selected will need to wait for the next petition cycle and attempt to petition again.Core-program
If you are awarded a seat in the program you petition for, you will be able to to start the core program courses. - Selection Process
Students who are eligible for and interested in beginning the core courses must submit the petition form during an available petition window. Submit the petition form during the priority window for the best opportunity to be selected for the core program.
Selection for entry into core courses is based on:
- The completion of all petition requirements
- The term you were admitted to pre-program for
- Your residency
- The date of your pre-program application completion
Programs may use more criteria to meet the needs of the program, labor market, and College strategic plans.
Petition requirements must be completed or be in-progress at the time of petition. Priority for entry into the core courses will be given to those petitioners who have all requirements completed at the time of petitioning.
- If all first-semester spaces are not filled by petitioners who completed all the petition requirements, the remaining petitioners will be reviewed. Any open spots will be tentatively awarded to petitioners who are in-progress with the rest of the petition requirements.
- The tentatively awarded spots will become permanent only after successful completion of the rest of the in-progress requirements.
Priority will be given for residency in this order:
- Madison College District residents
- Non-district state residents (including Minnesota residents)
- Out-of-state residents (if applicable)
- Submitting Documentation for Petition Requirements
If a pre-program requirement is not satisfied on the Degree Progress Report and you believe you have completed it through previous coursework at another school, submit the following for review.
Official transcripts or test scores are required when submitting documentation for petition requirements. If there is a former first or last name on your documentation, contact to shorten processing time.
To allow for processing time, submit the transfer credit evaluation form and transcript(s) 15 days prior to the opening of the priority petition window.
Any additional documentation submitted to complete pre-program requirements can take up to a week to show on your record.
If you complete the petition workshop or testing at Madison College, it can take 48 hours to show on your record.
After courses, transfer credit, test scores and grades are posted to your record, your Degree Progress Report will automatically update.
When your Degree Progress Report indicates that you have satisfied all petition requirements or are in your final semester of in-progress courses, you will be eligible to petition to start the core program at the next available petition window.
- Petition Windows
Beginning core-program courses requires a full commitment. Successful students become immersed in their program of study and are not as readily available for other commitments. You should determine when the right time is for you to begin the program based upon personal and financial commitments.
The petition windows are open one to three times per year, depending on the program.
Summer 2025 Petition: Open
Petitioning for Summer 2025 program courses began February 1, 2025 for the following program:
- Dental Assistant
The priority petition window closed end of day February 15, 2025. Students who petitioned during the priority petition window (February 1, 2025 – February 15, 2025) are considered first.
If the program is not full after the priority window, students can still petition until whichever comes first:
- The program is full; or
- One week prior to the start of the semester
Only students admitted into a pre-program status for the Summer 2025 term or prior will have access to petition for the Summer 2025 term.
Dental Assistant is the only program that petitions for summer terms.
Fall 2025 Petition: Opens April 1, 2025
Petitioning for Fall 2025 program courses begins April 1, 2025 for the following programs:
- Animation
- Associate Degree Nursing:
- Petition window has historically closed on April 15
- Reedsburg, Truax, or Watertown campus
- Dental Hygienist
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Coding Specialist
- Nursing Completion LPN to ADN
- Reedsburg or Truax campus
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Paramedic (Truax campus)
- Paramedic Technician (Truax campus)
- Practical Nursing
- Radiography -- petition window has historically closed on April 15
- Respiratory Therapy
- Surgical Technology
- Veterinary Assistant
- Veterinary Technician
The priority petition window will close end of day April 15, 2025 for all programs except Dental Assistant. Students who petition during the priority petition window (April 1, 2025 – April 15, 2025) will be considered first.
If the program is not full after the priority window, students can still petition until whichever comes first:
- The program is full; or
- One week prior to the start of the semester
This may not apply to Associate Degree Nursing, Dental Hygienist and Radiography; historically these programs have closed on April 15.
Petitioning for Fall 2025 program courses begins June 1, 2025 for the following program:
- Dental Assistant
The priority petition window for Dental Assistant will close end of day June 15, 2025. Students who petition during the priority petition window (June 1, 2025 - June 15, 2025) will be considered first.
If the program is not full after the priority window, students can still petition until whichever comes first:
- The program is full; or
- One week prior to the start of the semester
Only students admitted into a pre-program status for the Fall 2025 term or prior will have access to petition for the Fall 2025 term.
Programs not listed above do not petition for fall terms.
Spring 2026 Petition: Opens September 1, 2025
Petitioning for Spring 2026 program courses begins September 1, 2025 for the following programs:
- Associate Degree Nursing:
- Petition window has historically closed on September 15
- Reedsburg or Truax campus (full-time or part-time)
- Dental Assistant
- Nursing Completion LPN to ADN
- Paramedic
- Paramedic Technician
- Practical Nursing -- Goodman South Campus (full-time or part-time)
The priority petition window will close end of day September 15, 2025. Students who petition during the priority petition window (September 1, 2025 – September 15, 2025) will be considered first.
If the program is not full after the priority window, students can still petition until whichever comes first:
- The program is full; or
- One week prior to the start of the semester
This may not apply to Associate Degree Nursing; historically, this program closed on September 15.
Only students admitted into a pre-program status for the Spring 2026 term or prior will have access to petition for the Spring 2026 term.
Programs not listed above do not petition for spring terms.
- Submitting the Petition Form
Students must petition to gain access to core program courses. Only students active in a pre-program status will have access to the Petition Form. To access the form:
- Log into the myMadisonCollege student center
- Click on "Communications"
- Click the "To Do's"
- Select the petition to do list item
- Click the petition form hyperlink in the description
- The petition form will open
- Answer all questions and review all information provided within the form
- Click the “Submit” Button
- Within an hour after submitting the form you will receive a confirmation message in your student center on myMadisonCollege. If you do not receive this confirmation message within 24 hours, you must contact the Enrollment Center at or call 608.246.6210.
- Petition Decisions
- Madison College will review the petition form and confirm all of the petition requirements are completed
- Approximately 15 business days after the close of the priority window, students are sent a letter or email with the decision and next steps
- Decisions are sent to your Madison College email or mailing address
- All decisions regarding selection are final and cannot be appealed
- Students who are not selected can petition during the next open window for their program
- If selected, you will receive instructions regarding the next steps and required items
- If you do not complete the required items, it may result in losing your seat and starting the application process from the beginning
- Students who are awarded a seat are expected to start the core-program courses for the awarded term
- Students who choose not to begin the core-program courses or are not able to begin core-program courses may be discontinued from pre-program status
- Students who are awarded a seat must continue to successfully meet program requirements to remain in the program
- Failure to successfully complete program requirements will result in discontinuation from the program. Students will be required to follow program policy to re-enter.
- If enrolled in future semester core classes they are no longer able to take, students will be notified of the requirement to drop and/or be dropped by the College.
- In-Progress Students
Students who are awarded a seat and are in-progress with petition requirements are required to:
- Earn a C or better in the course(s); and
- Send notification of successful completion to Madison College
Notification is due by the following dates based on which term you are completing the course(s).
- Fall: January 5
- Spring: June 15
- Summer: August 23
Courses taken at another college: Submit final, official transcript by the deadline
Courses taken at Madison College: Email when the final grade is posted by the deadline
Students who do not show completion of the in-progress course with a grade of C or higher will forfeit any awarded seat in the program.
- Alternates
If students who have been awarded a space in the core program classes give up their seat, alternates will be offered an open seat. Additional information on what you can expect as an alternate can be found in the petition workshop course.
What you need to do: Monitor your student email for important information. You will continue to receive important communications in both your student email account and your online myMadisonCollege account. Check these regularly.
Alternate In-Progress: Follow the steps in the In-Progress Students section.
Alternates who are not awarded a seat will need to petition again for a future petition window.
- Academic Advising
Students are encouraged to attend a drop-in advising session for assistance with:
- Additional questions
- Academic advising
- Understanding next steps in the petition process
Additional Resources
- View our Testing Services page for information on completing a test for admissions
- Learn about Transfer Credit
- See our Transcripts page for information on submitting transcripts
Madison Truax Campus
Foundation Centre, Suite 101
3591 Anderson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Fax: 608.243.4353
- Monday and Tuesday: 8 am - 6 pm
- Wednesday and Thursday: 8 am - 4:30 pm
- Friday: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm (phone/email only)