If you have a degree in journalism, photography, or design, this is the next step. Take lighting, sound, and editing to the next level.
student typing on a tricaster looking at dual monitors
Video Production
Program Number: 902061CERT
Your Degree:
Area of Study:
Arts, Design and Humanities
Delivery Method:
Some Online/Some In Person
Estimated Time to Complete:
14 Credits | Finish in 1 year
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  • Program Overview

    The Video Production certificate at Madison College is geared toward professionals who have an associate of applied arts degree in photography, graphic design, or visual communications, or a degree from another accredited college or university in art, design, photography, journalism or comparable work experience. 

    You will create videos with advanced level production techniques in lighting, sound, and editing and learn specific video production tools and communication strategies that take advantage of videos' unique capabilities.

    Video equipment is required for this program. The recommended student camera kit costs approximately $1,200. 

    Program Details

    Students in Madison College's Video Production certificate can attend part-time.

    Video Production certificate classes are offered at the Madison College Truax campus.

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