Looking to make a career of teaching? This associate degree offers transfer opportunities – so you can go on to get your B.A.
Child in hero costume
Recent Graduates
There are 25 recent graduates of this Madison College program.
Student Satisfaction
100% of our recent graduates report they are satisfied with their Madison College education.
75% of our recent graduates got a job in the industry.

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Early Childhood Education
Program Number: 103071
Your Degree:
Associate Degree
Area of Study:
Education and Social Sciences
Delivery Method:
100% In Person
100% Online
Some Online/Some In Person
Estimated Time to Complete:
60 Credits | Finish degree in 2 years
financial aid icon Financial Aid Available
transfer icon Program Transfers
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What You'll Pay
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Estimated Program Cost
Financial Aid
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  • Program Overview

    Prepare for work as a teacher-caregiver in early childhood settings.

    Madison College's Early Childhood Education associate degree program combines hands-on fieldwork in area centers with related academic work at the college. Graduates become responsible for the care and education of children in the birth-to-6 age range. They create and maintain safe and healthy play environments, guide behavior, plan and implement learning activities, and work cooperatively with staff and parents. Success in the field depends on a caring attitude, showing respect for children and adults, flexibility, good judgment, dependability and effective communication skills.

    Upon admission to the program, you will complete a background and criminal history check form and submit it to the program director. Look for this form in your student email. Information obtained from the background may affect your ability to secure a practicum placement.

    Prior to taking ECE: Introductory Practicum, you must show evidence of a physical examination including TB test using the State of Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Staff Health Report - Child Care Provider Form (PDF).

    Travel to fieldwork sites is necessary and is your responsibility.

    Some courses in the program involve preparation of learning materials, field trips, etc. that may involve additional expenses.

    Learn how your experience could count toward your degree. Contact Emily Pink at epink@madisoncollege.edu to learn more.

    Program Details

    We are in the process of gaining accreditation through National Association for the Education of Young Children.

    Students in Early Childhood Education can attend full or part time.

    Early Childhood Education classes may be offered at the Madison College Goodman South campus or online.

    Early Childhood Education Careers

    Earning your associate degree in the Early Childhood Education program at Madison Area Technical College prepares you for valuable work as:

    • Child Care Teachers
      Work in full-day and part-day child care programs, nursery schools and Head Start programs.
    • Child Care Assistant Teachers
      Work under the supervision of a child care teacher.
    • Family Child Care Providers
      Care for eight children or less in provider's home.
    • Infant or Toddler Caregivers
      Care for children under two years of age.
    • In-home Providers/Nannies
      Provide care in the child's home.
    • Early Childhood Educational Assistants
      Work in district approved early childhood programs, and four-years-old kindergarten programs.
    • Early Childhood Special Needs Assistants
      Work in district approved early childhood programs, and four-years-old kindergarten programs.
    • Directors/Administrators
      Are responsible for managing child care centers and planning and implementing program.

    Program Resources

  • Curriculum and Experience

    Prospective program students, the information below reflects the basic requirements for students admitted for the 2025-2026 academic year. To learn more about Madison College, visit us.

    Current and newly admitted program students, go directly to your Degree Progress Report to view:

    • Progress toward your specific requirements
    • Alternative (in lieu of) courses to meet specific requirements

    If you have questions after reviewing your degree progress report (advisement report), please see Advising Services.

    First Semester
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
    Second Semester
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
    Third Semester
    Fourth Semester
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
    3 credits
  • Admission

    To Apply

    Earning a degree is a great way to advance your career development opportunities, so apply today!

    International students who wish to apply for, maintain, or transfer their F-1 student visa status to Madison College are required to complete the International Admission Process.

    Note: It is recommended to only apply for a semester that has already started if you are currently enrolled in classes or you have verified that classes are still available for that semester.

    Application Dates

    Spring 2025

    • Application open
    • Application completion deadline is April 15, 2025

    Fall 2025

    • Application open
    • Application completion deadline is November 15, 2025

    Spring 2026

    • Application open
    • Application completion deadline is April 15, 2026

    Admission Requirements

    All materials must be submitted by the application deadline.

    1. Admission Application

    The online application allows you to save your work as you complete it and ensures fast, secure delivery to our office.

    2. Education Completion

    Submit official transcripts from the institutions you attended that indicate one of the following:

    • High school completion (current high school seniors may submit an in-progress transcript)
    • GED/HSED completion
    • College transcript or Madison College experience showing:
      • Completion of an associate degree or higher, or
      • At least 30 credits completed with a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4-point scale
        • The credits must be completed at a single college and cannot be combined with other transcripts
        • Any transfer credit listed on a transcript does not count toward the 30-credit minimum
        • Credits completed at Madison College are evaluated and do not require a transcript

    All high school and/or college transcripts are recommended to be submitted for Credit for Prior Learning evaluation.

    Additional Notes

    • Class capacity is limited and is available on a first come, first served basis.
    • Course prerequisites differ from admission requirements; admission into a program does not guarantee eligibility to enroll in courses or success in the program. Refer to program curriculum for details.

    After Acceptance

    Once you are admitted into your program, review the Start of Semester Checklist to prepare for your first day of classes at Madison College.


    Contact the Enrollment Center at EnrollmentServices@madisoncollege.edu or 608.246.6210.

    apply for admission

    Get Started!

    Apply to Madison College and take the first step towards your Early Childhood Education career.

    It's Free to Apply

  • Transfer Opportunities

    UW System Schools

    Students completing the AAS degree in Early Childhood education at a WTCS institution and utilizing the WTCS statewide curriculum can transfer to UWM to earn a bachelor's degree and teacher certification offered through the UWM School of Education's Early Childhood Education program. Students must meet all standard UWM admissions requirements to be eligible for participation in this agreement. The AAS in Early Childhood Education will transfer to UWM's BS in Early Childhood Education in accordance with the following: • A minimum of 60 credits earned toward the AAS degree will transfer as stipulated in Appendix A. • 39 credits will be applied to the Early Childhood program, professional, and certification requirements at UWM. • The AAS in Early Childhood Education must be posted on an official transcript in order for this agreement to be applied. • Students actively enrolled in the AAS degree and expecting to complete it prior to enrollment may be admitted under the general terms of this agreement, pending receipt of a final, degree-bearing transcript.
    The terms of the B.S in Human Services Leadership agreement are limited to students who complete selective A.A.S degrees and are admitted to the Human Services Leadership at UW-Oshkosh. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
    Students will first need to complete 60-61 Associate's Degree credits, then 26-31 Bachelor's Degree Credits, and 60-61 Special Education Licensure Credits, bringing the total to 146-153 Total Credit Hours.
    The terms of the B.S in Leadership & Org Studies agreement are limited to students who complete selective A.A.S or A.A.A. degrees and are admitted to the Organizational Studies emphasis at UW-Oshkosh. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher
    Outlines transfer pathway between two programs.
    WTCS Students who successfully complete and AAS degree or approved coursework after July 1, 2006 in Early Childhood Education (WTCS statewide core curriculum) wishing to transfer to USWP can be awarded credits towards a BS in Early Childhood Education.
    Students must complete the AAS- Early Childhood Education degree at Madison College and meet UW Stout admission requirements. Admission to UW Stout does not guarantee admission to a professional program.
    Students must complete the identified course work with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher to be considered for this agreement. WTCS general education courses may transfer to fulfill UW Superior general education requirements.
    Allows students to be awards transfer credit towards degree when they complete Credentials as part of ECE.
    Transfer from MC AAS ECE to UW Whitewater B.S. ECE

    Wisconsin Private Schools

    Students must complete an ECE AA and meet Concordia University admission and additional testing requirements. Students must complete at least 48 credits at Concordia. Bachelor degree completion can be for licensure birth to grade 3.
    Student who earn an Associate Degree from Madison College can transfer a minimum of 60 credits and a maximum of 72 credits to Lakeland College to be applied to the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Sciences degree.
    Completion of an A.A.S. Degree at Madison College after 2015, and meeting admission requirements for the Rader School of Business (RSOB) at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) can earn a B.B.A degree in Technical Sales at MSOE.
    Guaranteed transferability of courses listed in the transfer guides for students earning a grade of C or higher, a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher, and meeting Viterbo University’s standard admission criteria.
    Bachelor of Science in Business Management and Leadership

    Out-of-State Schools

    Students who complete any associate degree at Madison Area Technical College will have no additional general education core curriculum requirements to meet but must satisfy the Kirkpatrick Signature Series requirement.
    Per the agreement, students must complete the associates of arts, associates of science or associates of applied science with an overall GPA of a 2.0 prior to transferring.
    Students graduating with an associate degree from MATC with a 2.0 GPA or higher are guaranteed admissions into CSU-Global and can transfer up to 64 semester credits from MATC to be applied toward earning a Bachelor’s Degree at CSU-Global.
    Franklin University will guarantee acceptance of Madison College graduates with an AA, AS, or AAS. Madison College graduates will have junior standing at Franklin University and may transfer up to 94 additional credits toward their baccalaureate degree.
  • Career Outcomes

    Madison College Early Childhood Education graduates are prepared to:

    • Apply child development theory to practice.
    • Cultivate relationships with children, family and the community.
    • Assess child growth and development.
    • Use best practices in teaching and learning.
    • Demonstrate professionalism.
    • Integrate health, safety, and nutrition practices.
    • Graduate Summary

      Graduate Report Summary Overview

      Number of Program Graduates193125
      Number of Surveys Sent193124
      Number of Surveys Returned13159
      Percent of Surveys Returned
      Available for Employment10118
      Percent Available for Employment76.9%73.3%88.9%
      Not in Labor Market
      Percent Not in Labor Market23.1%26.7%0.0%
      Available for Employment

      Graduates Employed10118
      Percent of Graduates Employed100.0%100.0%100.0%
      Employed in Related Occupation7116
      Percent Employed in Related Occupation70.0%100.0%75.0%
      Employed in Unrelated Occupation302
      Percent Employed in Unrelated Occupation30.0%0.0%25.0%
      Employed - No Response000
      Percent Employed - No Response0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Seeking Employment000
      Percent Seeking Employment0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Reaction To Training at Madison College

      Student satisfaction Mean (Out of 4)3.73.74
      Number of Satisfaction Responses12158
      Very Satisfied (4)10118
      Percent Very Satisfied83.3%73.3%100.0%
      Satisfied (3)140
      Percent Satisfied8.3%26.7%0.0%
      Unsatisfied (2)000
      Percent Unsatisfied0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Very Unsatisfied (1)
      Percent Very Unsatisfied8.3%0.0%0.0%
      Primary Reason for Attending Madison College

      Number of Primary Reason Responses13158
      Preparation for Getting a Job
      Percent Preparation for Getting a Job
      Career Change
      Percent Career Change
      Improvement of Existing Skills
      Percent Improvement of Existing Skills
      Preparation for Further Education
      Percent Preparation for Further Education
      Personal Interest
      Percent Personal Interest
      Percent Other0.0%0.0%0.0%
      When Employment was Obtained

      Number of When Employment Obtained Responses10118
      Before Enrollment543
      Percent Before Enrollment50.0%36.4%37.5%
      While Attending the College422
      Percent While Attending the College40.0%18.2%25.0%
      After Training at the College153
      Percent After Training at the College10.0%45.5%37.5%
      Location of Employment (related and unrelated)

      Number of Employment Location Responses10119
      In College District998
      Percent In College District90.0%81.8%88.9%
      In Wisconsin, Not in District120
      Percent of In Wisconsin10.0%18.2%0.0%
      Outside of Wisconsin000
      Percent Outside Wisconsin0.0%0.0%0.0%
      Employer Location Unknown001
      Percent Location Unknown0.0%0.0%11.1%
      Salary Trend
      Salary Trend202120222023
      Full Time Employment (Related Job)Full Time Salary Count575
      Average Monthly Wage$3,122$3,245$3,297
      Average Hourly Wage$18.15$18.86$19.17
      Average Work Hours per Week43.041.640.0
      Part Time Employment (Related Job)Part Time Salary Count101
      Average Hourly Wage$15.75$18.12
      Average Work Hours per Week20.015.032.0
    • Graduate Employers

      Graduate Employers for academic year: 2023
      Employer(s)Job TitleCity*State**Positions
      Kids' Safari Learning CenterInfant Toddler CoachCottage Grove
      Marshall School DistrictSpecial Education ParaprofessionalMarshall
      Sun Prairie Area School DistrictSpecial Ed AssistanceSun Prairie
      UW - Madison Child Development LabToddler Teacher
      Wishing WellLead TeacherDeForest
      YMCASite Supervisor

      * - Only cities outside of Madison will display.

      ** - Only states outside of Wisconsin will display.

      *** - If you have a position to post, please contact Career and Employment Services at jobpostings@madisoncollege.edu

Ready to get started?
Your first step is to apply to Madison College. It's easy and free to apply, so get started today!
Contact the School of Human and Protective Services

Madison Truax Campus
Protective Services Building, 100

1701 Pearson Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53704



  • Monday – Thursday 8 am - 5 pm
  • Friday: 8 am - 4:30 pm